Freyr - Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Freyr, of the Vanir tribe, was a Norse god of peace and prosperity. Among other things, he was associated with male virility, sunshine, and fair weather. Often depicted with an enormous phallus, Freyr was worshiped across Scandinavia (particularly in Sweden), where he was celebrated at weddings and harvest feasts.
Njord – Mythopedia
Dec 8, 2022 · Unlike most deities, the mythological father of Freyr and Freya was fated to survive the cataclysmic destruction of Ragnarök and be reborn into the world. Njord, with an oar by the sea, from an 1893 Swedish edition of the Poetic Edda. Internet Archive Public Domain. Njord was a popular god among the Norse, and seafarers in particular.
Alfheim - Mythopedia
Dec 5, 2022 · Alfheim was one of Norse mythology’s Nine Realms, home to light and dark elves and overseen by the god Freyr. Its few mentions describe it as glorious, with inhabitants both fair as the sun and dark as pitch.
Norse Gods – Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · The Norse gods and goddesses are the array of deities honored by ancient Nordic worshipers. They primarily came from two different tribes, the Aesir and the Vanir, but were united in their efforts to fight the jötnar, a tribe of giants dwelling in another realm of …
Freya – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Freya was the daughter of Njord (also Njordr), a god of the Vanir associated with the sea, sailing, fishing, wealth, and the fertility of crops. While her mother’s identity was ultimately unknown, some speculated that Freya was the daughter of Nerthus, an old Germanic deity known as a goddess of “peace and plenty."
Hlidskjalf – Mythopedia
Dec 6, 2022 · Freyr, the son of Njord, had sat one day in Hlidskjalf, and looked over all the worlds. He looked into Jotunheim, and saw there a fair maiden, as she went from her father’s house to her bower. Forthwith he felt a mighty love-sickness. Freyr ultimately won Gerdr’s affections, and the two lived happily ever after. Pop Culture
Poetic Edda: Skirnismol (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Freyr, the son of Njorth, had sat one day in Hlithskjolf, and looked over all the worlds. He looked into Jotunheim, and saw there a fair maiden, as she went from her father’s house to her bower. Forthwith he felt a mighty love-sickness. Skirnir was the name of Freyr’s servant; Njorth bade him ask speech of Freyr. He said: “Go now, Skirnir!
Fólkvangr – Mythopedia
Dec 7, 2022 · Folkvangr, domain of the Norse goddess Freya, was a meadow where half of all who died in battle spent the afterlife. She dwelled in Sessrumnir, a hall built in the shape of a ship, mimicking actual Norse burial customs.
Mythopedia – Encyclopedia of Mythology
Mythopedia is the ultimate online resource for exploring ancient mythology; from the Greeks and Romans, to Celtic, Norse, Egyptian and more.
Loki - Mythopedia
Dec 8, 2022 · The gods agreed that Thor’s hammer was the finest of all the creations, but when Brokkr went to claim Loki’s head, he found that the god had fled using on speedy shoes. Thor helped find him, but Brokkr was still unable to claim Loki’s head, as the trickster god riddled his way out of trouble. Loki, the Joker