Frigg gas field - Wikipedia
Frigg gas field is a natural gas field on Norwegian block 25/1 [1] in the North Sea, on the boundary between the United Kingdom and Norway. The field is named after the goddess Frigg. King …
Field: FRIGG - Norwegianpetroleum.no
Frigg is a field in the central part of the North Sea, straddling the border between the UK and Norwegian sectors. The water depth is 100 metres. Frigg was discovered in 1971, and the …
Frigg Field - Offshore Technology
Oct 12, 2009 · The Frigg field is located 230km north-west of Stavanger between the continental shelves of the UK and Norwegian borders in North Sea. The field was discovered in 1971 in …
Field – Frigg
The Frigg reservoir lies in 100 metres of water and 1 800 metres beneath the seabed. Its geological formation has a fan-like shape on seismic maps. Thanks to its shape, the field was …
Frigg decommissioning - The Norwegian Offshore Directorate
The Frigg field is the largest field on the Norwegian shelf to date where disposal of the facilities has been completed. Nearly five years after dismantling started in 2005, all topsides, steel …
Field: FRIGG - Factpages - Norwegian Offshore Directorate
Frigg is a field in the central part of the North Sea, straddling the border between the UK and Norwegian sectors. The water depth is 100 metres. Frigg was discovered in 1971, and the …
Drilling and wells on Frigg – Frigg
Sep 14, 2018 · The Frigg reservoir lies in 100 metres of water and 1 800 metres beneath the seabed. Its geological formation has a fan-like shape on seismic maps. Thanks to its shape, …
Frigg | North Sea, Norway, Oil & Gas | Britannica
Frigg, natural gas field located in the North Sea, on the northeastern European continental shelf, in operation from the late 1970s to 2004. It lay about 125 miles (200 km) southwest of Bergen, …
Frigg, The First Giant Gas Field In The Northern North Sea
The Frigg Field is the largest natural gas structure in the northern part of the North Sea and one of the giant offshore gas fields in the world. It was discovered in Norwegian waters, block 25/1, …
Equinor aims to give ‘fresh lease of life’ to decommissioned gas giant ...
May 8, 2019 · Equinor plans to breathe new life into a decommissioned gas field straddling the border between the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea. At the time of its discovery in …