transferring photos to a PC using a hard connection? - FujiX-Forum
Feb 11, 2018 · A little more internet research seems to indicate that Fuji simply doesn't provide a USB driver for the X-E3 or many of their other cameras. I have been pulling the SD card from the camera and plugging it into a card reader, which works fine. But, I would rather not have to fiddle with pulling the card each time I want to transfer files.
X-E3 - X-E3 under priced? - FujiX-Forum
Jun 17, 2020 · X100F vs XE3? i'd rather have X100F. At least it has a flash, leaf shutter, and a full stop faster. Light is extremely important with photos... and it's a shame XE3 missed the ball by omitting the built in flash of the XE1 and XE2. For these reasons I find the XE3 inferior to *all* the above. Hopefully Fujifilm makes an XE4 and bring back the ...
X-E3 - XE3 Reset Itself? - FujiX-Forum
Dec 25, 2017 · That sounds odd. I have set my XE3 to high performance. Since i have tha camera i'm playing with it constantly it gets a little more temperature. But i have not seen any fault so far. I have had once one Fuji camera resetting on me. But it's an faulty reset it can leave your camera in an unstable state.
X-E3 - XE3 as Webcam - FujiX-Forum
Apr 3, 2020 · It appears I need a camlink or similar device but there's some uncertainty as to its compatibility with the XE3. I need to order a cable for output and assume I need a mini HDMI out to USB. Does anyone know for sure this is right? Why does the manual say it should be a mx length of 1.5m? This seems not very useful Also can I hide overlays on ...
Misc. X Camera - X-Pro2 vs XE3 | FujiX-Forum
Dec 18, 2017 · But for travel, I can see my XE3 being my main travel camera and the XT2 will the be back-up/second camera. The XE3 is a great travel camera as long as you don't need dual card slots. And there are 3-4 ways to manually adjust iso. My daughter and son-in-law are off to Lisbon and Prague next week and will be borrowing the XE3, 14mm, 18-55.
X-E3 Aperture control on x-e3 - fujix-forum.com
Jan 10, 2018 · Most of the Fuji lenses have an aperture ring, but the aperture is always electronically controlled. The variable aperture zooms have an un-marked ring because the aperture varies as the focal length changes. The primes have marked aperture rings.
X-E3 - XE3 Users: Front & Rear Command Dials - FujiX-Forum
Aug 22, 2019 · XE3 Users: I'm getting my XE3 ready for return trip to Havana and I am trying to set the rear command dial to Shutter Speed and front command dial to Aperture. I can get the rear dial to SS via Button/Dial Settings-->Command Dial Settings-->~F~SS as the manual says, but rear command dial won't do anything.
Video Setting for XE3 (or XT20) Poor man F-log? - FujiX-Forum
Mar 13, 2018 · Thanks Tim! That's very helpful. The thing is I usual work with GH2's footage set at minus everything and it's quite fine for minor grading. But when I tried with XE3 especially for -4 Sharpness, I couldn't bring the sharpness back in post without artifact (while sharpness zero from SOOC gives me none). So I guess -2 or zero might be a way to go.
X-T2 - X-T2 vs X-E3 - FujiX-Forum
Jan 4, 2020 · XE3 is a better (more sophisticated) camera than XE2. ... (5D) to Fuji some years ago, as the camera lens ...
X-E3 - Xe3 handgrip and thumgrip - FujiX-Forum
Dec 8, 2017 · This topic returns, ie handgrips. Though pricey, given what you've spent on XE3, I'd recommend getting the Fuji grip. It's perfect. And, Lensmate has been working on thumb grip since the XE3's release. It should be 'done' and available very soon. Check Lensmate site. I have my name on their list to be notified when new grip is ready.