GDB Graphical Interface (GNU Emacs Manual)
29.6.5 GDB Graphical Interface. The command M-x gdb starts GDB in an IDE-like interface, with specialized buffers for controlling breakpoints, stack frames, and other aspects of the debugger state. It also provides additional ways to control the debugging session with the mouse, such as clicking in the fringe of a source buffer to set a ...
An Introduction to GDB in Emacs - University of Washington
GDB is the GNU Debugger. You can run it from the command line, or preferrably, from within Emacs. You can find details about using it from the command line here. Here's the fastest way to get started: Open up the .c file you want to debug. Split the window into two halves by typing: Make sure your executable is compiled with the -g option. Type in.
Using GDB in Emacs - Undo
In this episode of gdbWatchPoint, Greg has asked me to show you how to use Emacs and GDB, and some of the techniques to improve your debugging experience. You can start by just starting Emacs: In the minibuffer, type the command.
Emacs (Debugging with GDB)
26 Using GDB under GNU Emacs. A special interface allows you to use GNU Emacs to view (and edit) the source files for the program you are debugging with GDB. To use this interface, use the command M-x gdb in Emacs. Give the executable file you want to debug as an argument.
GDB Graphical Interface (GNU Emacs Manual)
The command M-x gdb starts GDB in an IDE-like interface, with specialized buffers for controlling breakpoints, stack frames, and other aspects of the debugger state. It also provides additional ways to control the debugging session with the mouse, such as clicking in the fringe of a source buffer to set a breakpoint there.
Debugging with GDB - Using GDB under GNU Emacs
Using GDB under Emacs is just like using GDB normally except for two things: All "terminal" input and output goes through the Emacs buffer. This applies both to GDB commands and their output, and to the input and output done by the program you are debugging.
Starting GUD (GNU Emacs Manual)
Run GDB as a subprocess, and interact with it via an IDE-like Emacs interface. See GDB Graphical Interface, for more information about this command. Run GDB, using a GUD interaction buffer for input and output to the GDB subprocess (see Debugger Operation).
27.6.5 GDB Graphical Interface - Emacs Docs
The command M-x gdb starts GDB in an IDE-like interface, with specialized buffers for controlling breakpoints, stack frames, and other aspects of the debugger state. It also provides additional ways to control the debugging session with the mouse, such as clicking in the fringe of a source buffer to set a breakpoint there.
EmacsWiki: Debug Emacs
gdb. To debug Emacs using gdb, start with reading etc/DEBUG (in repository). Other tips connect to the Emacs process. This is what I use to attach gdb to a running Emacs process. This only makes sense if you have the C source code lying somewhere.
Use gdb within Emacs: always show the source code
Jun 24, 2014 · Select the buffers you want by typing M-x gdb-display-BUFFERTYPE-buffer or M-x gdb-frame-BUFFERTYPE-buffer, where BUFFERTYPE is the relevant buffer type, such as breakpoints. You can do the same with the menu bar, with the GDB-Windows and GDB-Frames sub-menus of the GUD menu.