GLONASS - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Oct 12, 1982 · GLONASS is the acronym for GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema in Russian. The role of the GLONASS satellite navigation system is similar to the GPS of the United States, the Galileo satellite positioning system of Europe, and the BeiDou satellite navigation system of China [1]. The system was first developed in the Soviet Union ...
Antenna and attitude modeling of modernized GLONASS satellites
Oct 1, 2024 · For GLONASS M+ satellites, anomalous yaw accelerations during rate-limited noon turns could be revealed that cause yaw offsets of up to 20° with respect to established GLONASS-M attitude models. Overall, the triple-carrier technique lends itself as a viable tool for continued monitoring of GLONASS-M+ and -K2 yaw angles.
Combining GPS + GLONASS observations to improve the fixing …
Mar 1, 2016 · Double differencing for GLONASS does either not eliminate receiver clock biases or causes the loss of the integer nature of ambiguities. Currently, there are two strategies for GLONASS ambiguity resolution: the first strategy is to process carrier phase in unit of cycles keeping the integer nature of ambiguities.
Current performance of open position service with ... - ScienceDirect
Mar 1, 2022 · The GLONASS SISRE is the largest among all constellations, with an average value of 2.222 m. The worse GLONASS SISRE can mainly be attributed to the FDMA modulation (Montenbruck et al., 2018). The group delays coming with the FDMA modulation cannot be divided into a sum of satellite- and receiver-specific contributions, and they are generally ...
Performance of the precise point positioning method along with …
Nov 1, 2020 · The use of GPS + GLONASS resulted in the accuracy of several cm. Kouba [34] showed how the accuracy of the IGS products changed: the accuracy of the orbits of 30 cm in 1994 decreased to below 2 cm in 2015. In 2016, static GPS + GLONASS positioning using magicGNSS software was used by Pandey et al. [51]. About 60% more observed satellites …
Long-term performance detection and evaluation of GLONASS …
Apr 1, 2021 · The GLONASS constellation has been fully recovered since October 2011, and 24 satellites were deployed again. The satellite information, including the pseudo-random noise (PRN), satellite vehicle number (SVN), valid date, invalid date, and satellite type, as of April 2018, are listed in Table
GLONASS-based precise point positioning and performance analysis
Feb 1, 2013 · Four IGS analysis centers provide GLONASS precise orbit products on a regular basis, including CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, Switzerland), IAC (Information – Analytical Center, Russia), ESA/ESOC (European Space Operations Center, Germany) and BKG (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Germany).
DCB estimation and analysis using the single receiver …
Nov 1, 2023 · The maximum differences for GLONASS receivers in these same stations were 1.56, 1.66, 1.89, 3.16, and 2.25 ns. It is noteworthy that the maximum GLONASS DCB difference was very close to GPS DCB in all stations, which can be attributed to the fact that both systems are affected by similar temperature and humidity conditions.
Signal quality and positioning performance of GPS/BDS …
Mar 15, 2022 · For satellite elevations, GLONASS exhibits the best coverage in high latitudes, with a maximum elevation angle of 70° at KIR8 and ZHON. This is related to the larger orbital inclination of the GLONASS satellites, which is 64.8°, and it brings better spatial structure of satellites in high latitudes (Zaminpardaz et al., 2021).
Comparative analysis of vitality of GPS and GLONASS satellite …
Jan 1, 2019 · The GLONASS satellites are constantly developed, the designed lifetime was increased from 3,5 to 10 years for capabilities GLONASS (deployed in years 1982-2005) and GLONASS-K (deployed in years 2011-2018), respectively. The GLONASS system, like the GPS system, consists of a space segment, a user segment and reference stations.