The GMAT™ Exam - mba.com
The GMAT exam helps business school candidates stand out during the admissions process. Schools know that candidates who take the GMAT are serious about earning a graduate business degree. They also know it's a proven predictor of a student's ability to succeed in the classroom.
What is the GMAT Exam and What Should You Know?
Jan 5, 2024 · If you're a graduate business degree hopeful, you've likely heard about the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). The GMAT exam is the premier business school admission test used to help thousands of graduate business programs make …
Registration - mba.com
Register for the GMAT Exam Delivered at test centers across the globe or online, in the comfort of your own private location, appointments are available year-round. Book your appointment today!
About the GMAT Exam - mba.com
Across GMAT and GRE test takers around the world, more than 7 in 10 rely on the GMAT to get into business school. That's because the GMAT exam is designed specifically to support you on your business school journey, setting you up for success in the classroom and the boardroom!
Official Score Reports - mba.com
The GMAT exam includes detailed performance insights with your Official Score Report, at no additional cost! In addition to your total and section scores and percentile rankings, you’ll get insights by section, question type, and content domain (meaning, a specific area of knowledge), details on your time management, and data on how you ...
GMAT™ exam delivered online are both contained in these GMAT™ Exam Policies and Procedures. There is no longer a separate GMAT™ Handbook for the GMAT exam delivered at a test center. Except for the reference linking to the last version of the GMAT Handbook applicable to candidates who took the GMAT exam delivered at a test center
GMAT: When Will My Score Be Available? – mba.com
GMAT: How Do I View My Score? GMAT: Are My Scores Sent to Previously Selected Schools? GMAT Delivered at a Test Center; GMAT: Who Has Access to My Score? GMAT: How Is the Exam Scored?
GMAT: How Do I View My Score? – mba.com
You can only view your scores for exams taken within the last 5 years. To do so: Log in to your mba.com My Account Locate GMAT Exams...
GMAT: How Long Are My Scores Valid? – mba.com
GMAT scores are valid for five (5) years and available for reporting for up to 10 years. Results over 10 years old are not available.
Prep for the Exam - mba.com
GMAT questions rely on logic and analytical skills, not underlying subject matter mastery, as detailed in the GMAT™ Official Guide 2024-2025 & Online Question Bank. Establish your baseline. Take GMAT™ Official Practice Exam 1 (FREE) to establish your baseline.