Bus | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Bus is a public transport vehicle appearing in Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto 2 (except for the PlayStation version of the game). The Bus goes on to recur throughout the …
Hot Dog Homicide! - GTA Wiki
Hot Dog Homicide! (or R.S. L. Bows! in the PlayStation version) is a mission in Grand Theft Auto 2 available during Area 3: Industrial, given to the protagonist Claude Speed by the Russian …
Bus - Grand Theft Wiki, the GTA wiki
In GTA 2, the Bus resembles an "old look"-style transit bus with three sliding doors (two on the right side and one on the left side), driving along the outer (rightmost) lane of the "main" roads, …
Bus - WikiGTA - The Complete Grand Theft Auto Walkthrough
It is a normal public transport bus in GTA2, GTA IV and GTA Chinatown Wars, while it looks more like a school bus or industrial bus in other GTA's. In GTA2, a bus will appear at bus stops after …
Grand Theft Auto 2/Vehicles - StrategyWiki
Nov 29, 2023 · If you wait at a bus stop, entering the bus hijacks it: you won't be transported around the area, but you can drive it yourself and even pick up passengers at any bus stops. A …
Karma Bus - Grand Theft Wiki, the GTA wiki
A Hare Krishna Karma Bus, as depicted in GTA 2. The Karma Bus is a vehicle in Grand Theft Auto 2, used by the Hare Krishna gang. It can only be found in the Industrial District of …
Why the Playstation port of GTA 2 removes the Bus?
Jan 6, 2024 · Maybe the bus and train system was buggy and didn't work with the hardware of the PS1. The train system works every second even the player don't see a train and is very far …
Bus | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Bus is a city bus appearing throughout the Grand Theft Auto series: Bus (2D Universe) - Appearing in Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto 2. Bus (3D Universe) - Appearing in …
The Complete Grand Theft Auto Walkthrough - WikiGTA
Oct 29, 2008 · Bus stop zones create a bus stop where travellers wait for the bus. Bus stop zones should have a size of 1 x 2 blocks and cover pavement directly next to a road. Buses don't …
Grand Theft Auto 2 - Walkthrough - PC - GameFAQs
Apr 17, 2000 · Find a bus in the Krishna district (there's a parked one near the yellow phones), and head back to the hideout. When close enough to the men, they'll get in the bus. Once all …