The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
Apr 16, 2012 · Apps built with GTK. Developers around the world have used GTK as a platform to create apps that solve problems faced by end-users.
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
To begin our introduction to GTK, we’ll start with a simple Hello World GTK application. Create a new file with the following content named hello-world-gtk.c .
Gtk – 4.0: Getting Started with GTK
#include <gtk/gtk.h> static void activate (GtkApplication * app, gpointer user_data) {GtkWidget * window; window = gtk_application_window_new (app); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window"); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 200); gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (window));} int main (int argc, char ** argv ...
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
Learn to integrate your favorite programming language with GTK through bindings.
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GTK supports HiDPI displays. The extra crispness adds to the already well defined user experience. Read about how to enable Hi-DPI Support in GTK Apps.
Getting Started with GTK - The GTK Team
Follow the “Hello World” to learn how to write your first GTK application. Use the GTK API reference to learn more about the functionality provided by GTK. Observed a typo or some missing information, edit this page .
3.0 - GTK
Notably, it can handle both the application menu as well as the menubar. See gtk_application_set_app_menu() and gtk_application_set_menubar(). Arrow: GtkArrow should be used to draw simple arrows that need to point in one …
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
Gtk – 3.0: Getting Started with GTK
#include <gtk/gtk.h> static void print_hello (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data) {g_print ("Hello World \n ");} static void activate (GtkApplication * app, gpointer user_data) {GtkWidget * window; GtkWidget * button; GtkWidget * button_box; window = gtk_application_window_new (app); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Window"); gtk ...
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
On Windows, GTK applications are typically bundled with GTK already, so end-users do not need to worry about how to install GTK itself. There are various methods to install GTK on Windows development machines.