GURPSworld Wiki
Jan 28, 2023 · Welcome to the GURPSworld wiki, a place for friends who gather regularly to play GURPS, the Generic Universal Role-Playing System designed by Steve Jackson and sold by his eponymous company. The purpose of the wiki is to organize in a central location the various tidbits of data and information which are helpful to those playing.
Wormwood, converting - Steve Jackson Games Forums
Aug 1, 2009 · Wormwood, converting GURPS. Thread Tools
List of published creatures | GURPS Wiki | Fandom
This List of published creatures compiles both templates and statblocks found in GURPS publications. It includes real animals and fantastical creatures. It does not include occupational templates or unique characters.
GURPS Wiki - Fandom
New to GURPS? The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, commonly known as GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to adapt to any imaginary gaming environment. It's made by Steve Jackson Games.
Review: Rifts Dimension Book 1: Wormwood - RPGnet RPG Game …
Rifts Dimension Book 1: Wormwood: Book Type : Review: RPG: Genre : Fantasy / Horror: Setting : Rifts / Wormwood: Series : GURPS Traveller. System : Rifts: Parent: [ Megaversal / Mega-Damage ] Article Summary [ Edit Article Info] Rating 4/5. "...a well-developed and unique world for adventure." This article is contained in White Wolf #44.
Help Learning Wormwood Please! : r/dontstarve - Reddit
Jul 23, 2023 · The Generic Universal RolePlaying System, or GURPS, is a tabletop role-playing game system designed to allow for play in any game setting. It was created by Steve Jackson Games and first published in 1986 at a time when most such systems were story- or …
Savage Rifts New Character Options - MyGURPS
Jan 31, 2025 · Converted from Rifts Dimension Book 1: Wormwood. A holy warrior who truly falls to darkness becomes a cruel fiend, a sadist who ruins lives. It's almost impossible to come back from this, to repent and return to the side of righteousness and good.
MyGURPS - Home Page
3 days ago · Welcome to MyGURPS, a website which started off as a resource page for GURPS, but has since expanded to cover a wide variety of RPGs and even board games! Herein you'll find a wide variety of gaming treasures: house rules, forms and handouts, ready-to-use abilities and characters, indices and lists, and so much more.
Wormwood Arena - RPGnet RPG Game Index
"Wormwood Arena" brings together survivors of the prior adventures—if there are any—as Agents of Delta Green. A harmless-seeming Kansas cult’s new pamphlet sports a sigil of unnatural portent. The Agents must investigate the cult, perhaps even infiltrate it, and stop a catastrophic incursion before it begins.
Review: Rifts Dimension Book 1: Wormwood - RPGnet
"It's as silly as it sounds, and players who take their game seriously may balk at a setting this cartoonish." This article is contained in Dragon #205.
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