Gabumon X | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Gabumon X is an altered version of Gabumon that enhances it with mammalian traits in contrast to the reptilian appearance of the original, giving it a canine nose, comparatively longer legs, and a bushy, presumably more flexible tail.
Leomon (X-Antibody) - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Leomon (X-Antibody) is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Heroes of the Lion (獅子の勇者たち Shishi no Yūsha Tachi) set. Leomon (X-Antibody) evolves from Bearmon, Gabumon, or Hawkmon, and can evolve to Delumon, Garudamon (X-Antibody), Grappu Leomon, or Were Garurumon (X-Antibody).
Evolution Guide - Digital Monster X Ver.1 - humulos
For example, Gomamon X has two bullet points for evolving into Kuwagamon X. One reads "0-2 Care Mistakes, 0-1 Effort" while the other reads "Area 10 Not Cleared, 0-2 Care Mistake, 2-4 Effort". You will meet the requirement by fulfilling either of those conditions upon reaching the evolution window.
Gabumon (X-Antibody) - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it is clearly a Reptile Digimon. Due to its extremely timid and shy personality, it always gathers up the data which Garurumon leaves behind, and shapes it into a fur pelt to wear.
Gabumon X, Garurumon X, & WereGarurumon X Previews for …
Aug 8, 2023 · This time it's Gabumon X, Garurumon X, & WereGarurumon X. Gabumon X gets a really nice action pose on a snowy mountain, although it feels like the main art and background don't quite feel natural together.
Saber Leomon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
Feb 9, 2025 · Saber Leomon can be found in Proxy Island in Digimon Story: Moonlight after completing the Gaia Origin quest. It can also be evolved from Grappu Leomon at Lv57, Attack 290+ and Beast EXP 20000+, or formed by the Jogress of Zudomon and Lynxmon .
Leomon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Leomon is a digivolution in Gaomon's galaxy once the following requirements have been met: Unlocked Gabumon. Defeated 20 Champion Digimon. Received 3000 damage. Used Guard 10 times. Leomon is also a requirement for Etemon, Monzaemon and Pandamon. Digimon Fusion []
[EX-05 Animal Colosseum] Gabumon (X Antibody) - Reddit
This card showed up just when I lost hope for a Gabumon X line and it is something else. At least it's only battle protection so it can still die via effects or be returned to hand. Still a crazy card and an instant staple in Garurumon decks.
Gabumon | Digimon x Wiki | Fandom
Gabumon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Gabumon's name is derived from "gabugabu", a Japanese onomatopoeia for guzzling.
Leomon (BT11) - DigimonCard
Leomon (BT11) Leomon (BT11) SadRobot. 0 Comments 2,899 Views Edited 2 years ago. Blue. ... + 2 Gabumon + 1 Mimi Tachikawa + 4 Gabumon + 3 Gabumon - Bond of Friendship + 4 Matt Ishida + 4 Gabumon + 4 Gabumon - 4 Gomamon - 3 Jijimon - 3 Davis Motomiya - 1 Lobomon - 2 ModokiBetamon - 4 Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji - 1 Panjyamon (X Antibody) - 4 ...