Is Peter Coffins alt-personality Falcon from the YT channel …
Nov 8, 2021 · After hearing the Better discourse the debate and the expose of Peter Coffin his voice sounded incredibly similar to the voice of Falcon from the game-review/news channel …
Is Peter Coffin the voice of Falcon from Gameranx?
Being a fan of both channels (gameranx for at least 2 years now, give or take, Pete for a few months) I can absolutely confirm that their speech patterns and voice are near, if not identical. …
Is falcon from gameranx Josh from let's game it out?
Dec 12, 2019 · Wouldn't that be a bad growth move to not advertise multiple channels or maybe gameranx wont let him advertise his personal channel. Let's game it out has also had a twitter …
What do y’all think of Gameranx? - ResetEra
Nov 9, 2021 · They seem like a good video channel, if a bit clickbaity at times. I do like their Top 10s even if Falcon's voice can be a bit grating (especially when he lingers or goes off tangent …
Anyone a fan of gameranx here? Or if you like any channels
Jan 18, 2022 · For me I’m a big fan of Jake. Falcon gets too complain-y for me and sometimes he makes me feel like he doesn’t actually play the games. For instance any time he does …
Jake Baldino is a fake gamer : r/Gamingcirclejerk - Reddit
Jul 19, 2019 · Ben Shapiro is a right wing "debator" and general asshole. Peter Coffin is a leftist youtuber who is theorized to be Falcon from Gameranx (same voice, mannerisms, etc.) It is …
Gameranx basically stole my video : r/PS4 - Reddit
Jan 7, 2018 · Gameranx, a YouTube channel with almost 4 million subscribers, just uploaded a video called "The Story of Kratos". This video is a straight rip off of my channels (a little over …
Gameranx steals video, denies it, then admits it. - ResetEra
Jan 7, 2018 · Gameranx, a YouTube channel with almost 4 million subscribers, just uploaded a video called "The Story of Kratos". This video is a straight rip off of my channels (a little over …
Can we talk about how lazy and unprofessional the videos of …
Can totally agree, I really liked the channel, but now it's just some cheaply stuck together lists with no value at all, which is really sad because 1 falcon has a sexy ass voice and 2 the channel …
Peter Coffin is FALCON from GAMERANX 100% proof : …
Peter Coffin is FALCON from GAMERANX 100% proof So after some research I stumbled upon incontrovertible proof that PETER COFFIN is in fact FALCON of gameranx. The Proof