Are clouds a gas, liquid, and/or solid?
Aug 16, 2015 · So that makes it sound like it could be a liquid, or contain liquid droplets rather than "freely moving" molecules that typically make up a gas. But at another web site, which doesn't seem all that authoritative, it says that clouds are a solid, liquid, and gas simultaneously! A cloud is a liquid, a solid, and a gas. That does seem intriguing.
In which state of matter exactly are the clouds? [duplicate]
Feb 4, 2020 · It looks like your question was closed, asking for additional clarity. If you can edit it and make it more answerable, for example "how much of a cloud's water is gas and how much is liquid" that might be better. You can ask as many questions as you like, but each one needs to be answerable. Thanks! $\endgroup$ –
climate models - Why are satellite cloud type observations based …
Oct 8, 2024 · The cloud top pressure depends on the cloud top temperature. I think the reason for using the cloud top pressure, is because the main parameter the cloud type classification schemes are based on is the height, respectively the pressure levels.
meteorology - How to convert the units of specific cloud liquid …
I am trying to initialize my model with the cloud liquid water data from ERA5. My model IITM-ESM which evolved from CFSv2 takes in the cloud liquid water information in $\small\mathsf{kg/m^2}$. However the ERA5 specific cloud liquid water data is in kg/kg. I have the following questions
How is cloud column water calculated in GDAS model files?
May 17, 2024 · Some of the fields in the netCDF files include profiles (127 layers) of cloud water q CL [kg kg-1], difference in geopotential altitude Δz [m], difference in pressure Δp [Pa], cloud ice q CI [kg kg-1], specific humidity q [kg kg-1], and temperature (K) as well as profiles of things like wind, ozone, rain, snow, and graupel. Arrays that are 2D ...
How do 'greenhouse gases' let heat in, but not let it out?
Jul 28, 2018 · The peak is in the visible range*. It also shows the thermal radiation from the earth in blue. This is in the infrared range. Below, it shows how different gases allow transmission of light at different frequencies. There's a lot going on, so for now, just pay attention to the row for Carbon Dioxide - the most well known greenhouse gas.
How much and what kind of radiation passes through a cloud?
Jul 25, 2016 · They are not. What a cloud actually does to block or not block electro-magnetic radiation is not an absolute. It varies by type of cloud, thickness, altitude, angle of the sun and likely many other factors. As a generality, clouds block a part of visible, UV and IR light depending on a number of factors especially depth of the cloud.
Cloud in a bottle experiment. Why does the "cloud" get thicker …
Feb 16, 2016 · So, anyways, a cloud droplet forms around a condensation nucleus. Energy is released, while water vapor is absorbed from the gas around the nucleus. As the droplet falls into lower humidity air, it releases droplet water as water vapor with absorption of energy.
"New" cloud types: Can they be used as markers for climate …
Mar 24, 2017 · This article "New" type of Clouds, reports that a revision to the International Cloud Atlas will include 12 extra examples of cloud shapes. This time around 12 new terms have been added. The best known of these is asperitas, meaning rough-like in Latin, as the clouds can look like the tossing of the waves at sea when viewed from below.
Does PV=nRT mean that isobars are also isotherms?
Dec 18, 2019 · $\begingroup$ So over a large area where the temperature ranges from -16°C to -9°C the impact of the ratio of absolute temperatures has a much smaller impact on the pressure than the "squishedness" of the air.