How Europe's GDPR Regulations Became a Meme - WIRED
May 25, 2018 · In the last few days, as the European Union has been ramping up to roll out the European General Data Protection Regulation —referred to affectionately by the acronym GDPR—folks online have...
DIGIT’S 20 Best GDPR Memes
May 25, 2018 · GDPR has officially arrived, so in an effort to cheer you all up and lighten the mood here is DIGIT's 20 top GDPR memes to brighten your day.
I don’t know why GDPR is so funny, but it is | The Verge
May 25, 2018 · It should not have made me laugh, but it turns out GDPR is so inherently funny that I still loled repeatedly, scrolling for more of that good content. Like a great deal of humor, GDPR memes...
What funny jokes do you know about GDPR? - Spiceworks Community
Sep 11, 2018 · “Because I demand my right of Erasure!” The funniest GDPR-related jokes to shine a light on these troubled times. I’ve got one for you, bereavement team in the DWP wouldn’t discuss details of my dead grandmother due to GDPR. Presumably nobody has told them that it only applies to living people. What is a Pirate’s favorite and least favorite policy?
GDPR: The compliance emails are here, and so are the jokes, memes …
May 24, 2018 · As GDPR emails flood inboxes, people are taking to Twitter to make fun of the biggest ever change in data protection laws.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | Know Your Meme
The abundance of emails led to a series of jokes and memes about the policy, specifically ones that asked, "Do you still want to get my emails after the GDPR takes effect," which became a de facto catchphrase for the change.
GDPR Humor: A Collection of GDPR Cartoons and More - TeachPrivacy
Feeling stressed out about GDPR? I can help! Here are all of my GDPR cartoons and attempts at GDPR humor in one post. It’s much better to laugh than to cry . . . Cartoon: The Four Phases of Developing a GDPR Program . Cartoon: GDPR Experts. Cartoon: GDPR Compliance . Cartoon: GDPR Right to Be Forgotten . Cartoon: GDPR’s Scope . GDPR Cartoon ...
21 hilarious memes about those annoying GDPR emails
May 25, 2018 · Even political rockers Rage Against the Machine are GDPR compliant. What is the world coming to? Without a shadow of a doubt, Star Wars director Rian Johnson had the best meme.
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' director contributes #1 best GDPR meme ...
May 24, 2018 · But perhaps the greatest GDPR meme of all comes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson. You're probably familiar with the classic Star Wars opening crawl, which gives the audience...
Our favourite GDPR memes | Blog - One2create
May 30, 2018 · The new GDPR rules have come into force, and the Internet has once again given us a host of hilarious memes, images and GIFs, created by people fed up on receiving multiple reconfirmation emails. Take a look here for a collection of our favourites.