What funny jokes do you know about GDPR? - Spiceworks Community
Sep 11, 2018 · “Because I demand my right of Erasure!” The funniest GDPR-related jokes to shine a light on these troubled times. I’ve got one for you, bereavement team in the DWP …
DIGIT’S 20 Best GDPR Memes
May 25, 2018 · To celebrate GDPR coming into force, the DIGIT team have, for your pleasure, curated the very best of the Internet’s GDPR memes. Do you feel compliant, baby? DO YOU? …
21 hilarious memes about those annoying GDPR emails
May 25, 2018 · Either way, the downpour of emails has seen a lot of people make a lot of jokes about GDPR emails and here are the best that we've seen online.
How Europe's GDPR Regulations Became a Meme - WIRED
May 25, 2018 · To celebrate this new meme, and the fact that people are actually having fun on the internet for a little while, we’ve collected some of the best GDPR reactions below.
GDPR: The compliance emails are here, and so are the jokes, memes …
May 24, 2018 · As GDPR emails flood inboxes, people are taking to Twitter to make fun of the biggest ever change in data protection laws.
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' director contributes #1 best GDPR meme ...
May 24, 2018 · But perhaps the greatest GDPR meme of all comes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson. You're probably familiar with the classic Star Wars opening crawl, …
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | Know Your Meme
The abundance of emails led to a series of jokes and memes about the policy, specifically ones that asked, "Do you still want to get my emails after the GDPR takes effect," which became a …
GDPR Memes: Star Wars Director Share Hilarious GDPR Meme - Thrillist
May 25, 2018 · Here are a few of the best ones out there, including the oft-repeated "Say GDPR one more time" meme. However, the best of these may have come from Rian Johnson, …
GDPR Memes - Reddit
May 25, 2018 · About Community A place for all of your GDPR Meme needs.
GDPR Memes - Reddit
r/EUGDPRMemes: Memes about the EU's General Data Protection Regulation