Geraniol is a safe and effective, natural origin, Biocide active ...
Feb 19, 2020 · Geraniol (3,7-dimethylocta-trans-2,6-dien-1-ol) is a volatile, acyclic monoterpene alcohol with the chemical formula C10H18O. Geraniol has a low mammalian toxicity and is biodegradable.
Substance Information - ECHA
This substance is used in the following products: biocides (e.g. disinfectants, pest control products), washing & cleaning products, air care products, polishes and waxes, perfumes and fragrances and cosmetics and personal care products. ... Geraniol ex Palmarosa, Palmarosa essential oil Registration dossier Octadien-2,6, 1-hydroxy-, 3,7 ...
Home - EN Geraniol
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has generally recognized geraniol as safe and therefore exempt from the obligatory registration for the use of biocides. In Europe it is subject to a comprehensive examination by EU and national authorities.
Feb 19, 2020 · Des chercheurs ont récemment découvert que le géraniol était un répulsif naturel et efficace utilisable dans les produits biocides destinés à protéger les hommes et les animaux contre les micro-organismes et les insectes. Voici la définition d’un biocide selon Wikipédia :
Geraniol EC Number: 203-377-1 EC Name: Geraniol CAS Number: 106-24-1 Molecular formula: C10H18O IUPAC Name: 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol Type of Substance Composition: mono-constituent substance Origin: organic Substance Identifiers open all close all. EC name. Cymbopogon martini, ext. ...
Geraniol (3,7-dimethylocta-trans-2,6-dien-1-ol) is a volatile, acyclic monoterpene alcohol with the chemical formula C10H18O. It has a low mammalian toxicity, is biodegradable, and is known for its repellent, insecticidal, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer effects.
Geraniol Biocide official supplier for insecticides and repellents
In the frame of the Biocide Directive, TerpeneTech has constituted an independent evaluation dossier for the use of Geraniol as a biocidal active ingredient Insecticide and repellent. TerpeneTech is now listed in the article 95 list of identified Supplier.
Geraniol - homepage
Geraniol is a monoterpene alcohol that is naturally present in a wide range of plants. It is a major component of rose and palmarosa essences. It is also found in Geranium, Lemon and Lemongrass essential oils. This molecule has remarkable biocidal …
Information on biocides - ECHA
The basic principle in the Biocidal Products Regulation ( (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR)) is that a biocidal product must be authorised before it can be made available on the market or used in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. This takes place in two consecutive steps.
Geraniol is used against bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria spp.; and fungi, including Aspergillus spp., Botrytis cinerea, Monilinea fructicola. Eficacy for these target organisms is cited below.
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