Giant Bomb - Video game reviews, videos, forums and wiki.
The largest video game database online, Giant Bomb features Game Reviews, News, Videos, and Forums for the latest in PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, DS, 3DS, NGP, and more!
King Bob-omb (Character) - Giant Bomb
About The King Bob-Omb. The King Bomb-Omb is obviously the King of Bomb-Omb Battlefield in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS. For his first star, Mario has to run up the mountain where the King is waiting, patiently.
Bob-omb (Object) - Giant Bomb
Bob-omb is a small, ambulatory explosive device. He is usually depicted as a black powder grenade with a wind-up key in his back. When a Bob-omb light their fuse, it means that it is going to explode in a few seconds and when the fuse reaches the bomb...BOOM!
List of Video Games - Giant Bomb
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Bob-omb Characters - Giant Bomb
King Bob-omb. The very first not-so challenging boss in Super Mario 64 for Nintendo 64 and DS.
Bob-omb Battlefield (Location) - Giant Bomb
As the course which requires no stars to play, Bob-omb Battlefield is the first course in both Super Mario 64 and its DS remake. Bob-omb Battlefield is well known for it's cast of classic Mario characters, giant mountain, floating platform and music which spans a number of other levels.
Recent Topics - Giant Bomb
4 days ago · Recent discussions on Giant Bomb. #262 - Ass Ass In Creed, the Band, Shadows of the Damned. GameSpot After Dark
Reviews - Giant Bomb
The largest video game database online, Giant Bomb features Game Reviews, News, Videos, and Forums for the latest in PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, DS, 3DS, NGP, and more!
Bob-omb Games - Giant Bomb
Mechanical bomb that will chase you for a short time until it blows up. I wonder what is going on in their heads. Wind it up, light the fuse, and stand back. 3, 2, 1... BOOM!
Admiral Bobbery (Character) - Giant Bomb
Jan 14, 2025 · Bobbery is an old Bob-omb sailor who lives in Rogueport. Mario looks for him as a navigator to Keelhaul Key, which is surrounded by treacherous reefs. Bobbery is adamantly against it at first for an unexplained reason.