Gnathion | definition of gnathion by Medical dictionary
In cephalometrics, it is the midpoint between the most anterior and inferior point on the bony chin, measured at the intersection of the mandibular baseline and the nasion-pogonion line. [G. gnathos, jaw] The most inferior point of the mandible in the midline.
Gnathion - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The gnathion is the most antero-inferior point on the contour of the chin, right in the middle of the lower edge of the mandible. It serves as a crucial reference point for taking facial measurements and evaluating the proportions and structure of the face.
GNATHION Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
3 days ago · The meaning of GNATHION is the midpoint of the lower border of the human mandible.
What does gnathion mean? - Definitions.net
Mar 3, 2018 · Gnathion is the most inferior point on the lower edge of the mandible, or the lowest point of the chin, used as a point of reference in anthropometry, the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body.
Gnathion | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
The gnathion is a craniometric point found along the midline on the anterior aspect of the cranium. It is the most inferior midline portion of the mandible.
Gnathion - definition of gnathion by The Free Dictionary
Gn (Gnathion): A bony point by bisecting the line of angle formed by the facial plane and mandibular plane. The effect of growth hormone treatment on craniofacial growth in short stature children. (INTERNATIONAL DENTISTRY)
Variance in Mandibular Plane Interpretation in Cephalometric …
Jan 7, 2022 · The mandibular plane represents the lowest horizontal plane on a patient’s face. It is usually plotted by connecting anterior and posterior skeletal landmarks. On the lateral cephalogram it may be constructed using either of these landmarks: (1) Gonion-Menton, (2) Gonion-Gnathion or (3) tangent points on the inferior border of the mandible.
Gnathion - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Mar 1, 2025 · Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, Vocabulary.com can put you or your class on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement.
gnathion - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
gnathion. A craniometric point, being the lowest part of the middle line of the mandible. Synonym: menton
GNATHION Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
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