Gobioides - Wikipedia
Gobioides is a genus of gobies native to marine, fresh and brackish waters along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and in fresh waters of the Pacific coast of the Americas.
Violet goby - Wikipedia
The violet goby (Gobioides broussonnetii) is a species of goby native to marine, fresh and brackish waters near the Atlantic coast of North and South America from South Carolina in the United States of America, to northern Brazil.
Goby - Wikipedia
A goby of the genus Rhinogobius. Goby is a common name for many species of small to medium sized ray-finned fish, normally with large heads and tapered bodies, which are found in marine, brackish and freshwater environments.. Traditionally most of the species called gobies have been classified in the order Perciformes as the suborder Gobioidei but …
A review of the gobioid fish genus Gobioides - ResearchGate
Jun 1, 1998 · The goby Gobioides grahamae, Palmer and Wheeler, 1955 (Perciformes) is a member of the family Gobiidae, and is found in the western Atlantic Ocean, in coastal areas and estuaries ranging from...
Gobioides broussonnetii (Violet Goby) - Seriously Fish
Gobioides broussonnetii Violet Goby Classification. Gobiidae. Subfamily: Gobionellinae
The largest, Gobioides broussenetii from the Caribbean, may reach 50 cm TL. Gobies are usually recognized by their small size, the existence of two dorsal fins (the first with eight flexible spines and the second soft), and a blunt round head with large eyes.
A review of the gobioid fish genus gobioides - Springer
Gobioides is easily distinguished from the Amblyopinae by its larger eyes (small inGobioides vs. inconspicuous in the Amblyopinae), fewer dorsal and anal-fin rays (14–20 vs. 27–48), and different fin element to vertebra ratios (1∶1 vs. 2∶1).
Gobioidei (Gobies) - Encyclopedia.com
Gobioides broussoneti. family. Gobiidae. taxonomy. Gobioides broussonnetii Lacepede, 1800, Suriname. other common names. German: Lila Aalgrundel; Spanish: Lamprea; Portuguese: Aimore. physical characteristics. To about 21.6 in (55 cm) total length. The body is elongate and eel-like. Dorsal fins united to form a long continuous fin confluent ...
Gobioides - Animalia
Gobioides is a genus of gobies native to marine, fresh and brackish waters along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and in fresh waters of the Pacific coast of the Americas.
Gobioides grahamae - FishBase
A review of the gobioid fish genus Gobioides. Ichthyol. Res. 45(2):121-133. (Ref. 27974)