Pairing gobies and shrimp. How is it done? | Reef2Reef
Aug 9, 2024 · I just bought a yellow face candy goby and a candy pistol shrimp pair on the weekend. My lfs bagged them together and I acclimated them together. They were inseparable even in the bag and within 10 minutes of being in the tank the shrimp was digging in the sand making them a home. The goby stands guard and the shrimp often peeks out.
Best pistol shrimp and goby for pairing up? | Reef2Reef
Nov 22, 2020 · Hey all! I have a 29gal mixed reed tank with a 20gal sump. I currently have a pair of premium phantom clowns and plan to add a midas blenny, royal gramma, and fire fish. My LFS offers blue-legged pistol shrimp, tiger pistol shrimp, and Randall’s pistol shrimp. Which one of those is the best...
Goby acting weird today | Reef2Reef
May 21, 2024 · I have a goby and shrimp pair I got from my LFS about a week and a half ago. They were both living in a sea shell so the store gave me that as well. They have both been doing great, the shrimp collected a bunch of sand and seems to have set up inside the shell again. The goby has been guarding the entrance the entire time until today.
Pistols without a goby - Invertebrate Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Mar 1, 2010 · I have a Tiger Pistol and about a week after geting him I got a Yellow watchman goby, they formed a bond and lived together for about 6 months then the goby disappeared,, found out about a week later he jumped behind the tank and landed on the floor behind the tank, Still have the Pistol alone don't see him much except when he is moving the sand around to his liking. been having him about a ...
best nano goby - General Discussion - Nano-Reef Community
Mar 17, 2012 · I was told the yellow clown goby was out all the time and is fun to have in the tank. i looked at lgreen guid to nano fish and there seem to be so many gobys i dont know what to get. I want nano reef opinion on this, who out there has gobys in there tank and what are there personalities, i would really appreciate pictures of them if you can.
Copper Treatment with sand sifting Goby | Reef2Reef
Jul 8, 2013 · Jedimaster-will silica make Goby feel more comfortable? Reply. Reactions: Klwheat. Jan 4, 2014 #18
Best Pistol Shrimp Compatible Goby's for 5 gallon tank?
Jul 16, 2020 · I also have a flame prawn goby but he’s always hiding but is very small so will be good for your 5 gallon. This type of goby really doesn’t pair with a pistol shrimp. Finally my daughter has a 9 g and she has a hi fin bar goby with a candy cane pistol shrimp and they are really nice too. I think any of the three I have would be fine in your ...
Rainford Goby - Beginners Discussion - Nano-Reef Community
Aug 27, 2005 · Besides, regardless of whether the goby needs the turf algae or the critters within, there's just no way he'd get enough in a tiny ten-gallon tank. And being fed other foods leads to malnourishment (fat but not getting the right nutrients, beyond just fats, proteins, vitamins, etc.), hence most not living past 1-2 years.
Royal gramma and dwarf goby - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef …
Dec 25, 2020 · A different goby would probably be a better choice, yes. The white lines might do okay with the damsel and wrasse, if there are a lot of hiding places well out of the damsel's territory. Quote
Unofficial Clown Goby Thread - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
May 6, 2009 · I got a yellow clown goby not to long ago, and i just wanted to make a thread about these guys. Also anyone is welcome to share pics or stories of these guys. Also this thread can be used for some questions and answers. Basic Care Clown Gobies are curious little fish great for beginners. They are...