Bounty Hunter, Gondar: Skills and Item Build | DotA Allstars
May 28, 2011 · Gondar golpea con precisión y ralentiza a sus objetivos hasta dejarlos sin escapatoria. La próxima vez que Gondar golpee a un enemigo le ocasionará daño extra, golpe crítico y lo ralentizará por 3 segundos, disminuyendo su velocidad de movimiento y ataque. Nivel 1 : 1.5x de golpe crítico, 15% de ralentización.
Bounty Hunter (DotA) | Dota Wiki | Fandom
Mastering the ancient art of Jinada, Gondar hits with precision and maims his targets so they can't run. The next time Gondar hits an enemy he deals extra damage, lands an automatic critical strike and maims the target for 3 seconds, slowing its movespeed and attackspeed by 25%.
Гайд по Гондару 6.83 - Гайды дота 1 (6.83)
Одна из главных особенностей Гондара – его невидимость. При активации скилла Гондар уходит в невидимость. Если ударить противника из инвиза, то мы нанесем ему дополнительный урон. Также магия поможет нам скрыться в случае опасности или устроить “ганг” (неожиданное нападение). Track (“R” на клавиатуре)
Gondar Item Build - Dota Heroes - Blogger
Gondar "Bounty Hunter" - Good agility type of hero and the roll of hitter and support when Gondar reach the level 6 enemies must better be careful. Also this hero is good in escaping enemy when his HP are in critical conditions.
DoTA Guide and Strategy: Gondar
Gondar The Bounty Hunter Concept Gondar is designed to be a solo ganker. This means he's made to run around the map killing heroes, and hopefully won't need someone else to make him effective. Gondar relies on a blend of stealth, speed, and firepower to accomplish his goals.
Gondar - Bounty Hunter, Skills, Item Builds | DotA Builds
Gondar is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past, but his capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was born with his amazing abilities.
Bounty Hunter - Dota 2 Wiki
Loots and collects bounties off of his enemies. Fear is the mother of rumor, and tales of Gondar's origins are nothing but hearsay. For the right price, the Bounty Hunter will Track down any target to deliver their heads and collect their bounties.
Portal Dota - Herói: Gondar - Bounty Hunter (História, Build, Skills ...
Dominando a ancestral arte da Jinada, o Gondar ataca com precisão e incapacita seus alvos impossibilitando-os a fuga. O próximo ataque contra um oponente acertará automaticamente um golpe crítico e irá incapacitá-lo, reduzindo sua movimentação e velocidade de ataque. Level 1:
Gondar Guide | DotA - Blogger
Gondar, the Bounty hunter has the ability to make the game easier for your supports and carries. His first skill, Shuriken toss, is an excellent nuke early game, mid game and even lategame, it will help you secure the kills.
Dota-Allstar: Gondar - Bounty Hunter
Mar 22, 2009 · Gondar is a Draenei that is often called upon for his superior skills. Not much is known about his past, but his capabilities are extraordinary. Some believe he learned from a ninja clan while others say he was born with his amazing abilities.