Awn (botany) - Wikipedia
In grasses, awns typically extend from the lemmas of the florets. This often makes the hairy appearance of the grass synflorescence. Awns may be long (several centimeters) or short, straight or curved, single or multiple per floret. Some biological genera are named after their awns, such as the three-awns (Aristida).
Long-awned Three-awn Grass (Aristida stipitata)
Dec 6, 2024 · Long-awned Three-awn Grass (Aristida stipitata) is a thriving example of nature’s ingenuity, showcasing how a humble grass can contribute extensively to its ecosystem. From fostering biodiversity to combating soil erosion, this grass reminds us of the intricate web of life that surrounds us.
Unveiling the Actual Functions of Awns in Grasses: From Yield …
Long awns, however, represent a competing sink with developing kernels for photosynthates, which can reduce grain yield under favorable conditions. In addition, long awns can hamper postharvest handling, storage, and processing activities.
When observing the inflorescence more closely, anatomical features to focus on include the spikelets, glumes, florets, lemmas, paleas, and awns (Figure 1). The presence or absence of awns and the length and shape of awns, if present, are especially helpful.
Common Grass species identification: Some easy shortcuts - Lizzie …
Jul 14, 2023 · The long awns give the grass the effect of being very silvery as it catches the light. Each spikelet only holds two florets, one of which has the reproductive flowering parts. Here’s a close up of the flower, showing the distinctive long awn:
Diverse ecological functions and the convergent evolution of grass awns
Sep 26, 2022 · The awn of grasses is a long, conspicuous outgrowth of the floral bracts in a grass spikelet. It is known to impact agricultural yield, but we know little about its broader ecological function, nor the selective forces that lead to its evolution.
Grass awns: Morphological diversity arising from developmental ...
Dec 1, 2024 · Awns are, most frequently, distal bristle-like extensions of lemmas — outer protective organs of grass flowers (Figure 1 a). Although not always adaptive, awns can have diverse roles, including in herbivore protection, diaspore dispersal, seed germination, and seed maturation [4, ∗∗5, ∗∗6].
(PDF) Unveiling the Actual Functions of Awns in Grasses: From …
Oct 21, 2020 · Awns, which are either bristles or hair-like outgrowths of lemmas in the florets, are one of the typical morphological characteristics of grass species. These stiff structures contribute to...
Unveiling the Actual Functions of Awns in Grasses: From Yield
Oct 14, 2020 · Awns, which are either bristles or hair-like outgrowths of lemmas in the florets, are one of the typical morphological characteristics of grass species. These stiff structures contribute to grain dispersal and burial and fend off animal predators.
Developmental constraint underlies the replicated evolution of grass awns
Nov 18, 2024 · Replicated trait evolution can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying the evolution of biodiversity. One example of replicated evolution is the awn, an organ elaboration in grass inflorescences. Awns are likely homologous to leaf blades.