Category:GUMI Models | MikuMikuDance Wiki | Fandom
GUMI (グミ) model by Kio. The voicebank for GUMI was done by the Japanese singer and voice actress, Megumi Nakajima. In October 2011 additional voicebanks were released. Vocaloid wiki - GUMI. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. This is the list for GUMI (グミ) models.
MMD 4color Gumi download by MMD-kyu on DeviantArt
Sep 28, 2020 · Here's 4color Gumi! Containing four Gumi inspired filters: Gumi Filter, which is the original "Gumi" effect but with a picture of Gumi's V2 box art on it! Let me know if you download this! Thanks. I only included the original creator's ReadMe, but I have added an extra information text file so people know I'm the one who created this edit.
GUMI V6 (Jomomonogm) | MikuMikuDance Wiki | Fandom
Jomomonogm's Megpoid GUMI V6 Model is available for download on BowlRoll. The diffuse colored version of the model has multiple color swap morphs to make the model's clothes the color of her past designs, other Vocaloids, and grayscale.
VOCALOID6 AI Megpoid(メグッポイド)|株式会社インター …
gumi v6のmmd・vrmモデルデータです。 改変・非改変問わず、当モデルデータを再配布することは出来ません。 当モデルデータを使用して発生したいかなるトラブルにおいても、当方は一切の責任を負いません。
[MMD] Gumi Append Model FINAL Version - DeviantArt
Jun 19, 2012 · So I decided to add some parts in. Basically, this is the result of what I came up with for Gumi. I will put her up for DL later on for a limited time again. She is going to have a password that you will have to find out, because I don't want any derps downloading my model. I worked really hard on this (even if it is an edit) so please respect it.
GUMI from Megpoid VOCAlight94 Version - VRoid Hub
Here's my personal take on GUMI, a SynthesizerV Voice Bank made by Internet Co and AH-Software. NOTE: Some details presented in this 3D preview are not accurate to the final MMD model shown in the thumbnails and linked video showcase.
GUMI (Sely) - MikuMikuDance Wiki
Sely GUMI is downloadable from Bowlroll. Model may be edited, redistribution of edited model is allowed only in the cases of the edit remaining as GUMI as said in the Japanese read-me. For more information, see Model Policy below. The distribution of base or naked edits are forbidden.
Megpoid GUMI V6 - BowlRoll
投稿日 2023-02-04 05:17:27 ファイル詳細表示 ファイル名 Megpoid Gumi_Jomo.rar ファイルサイズ 11.21 MB MD5チェックサム SHA1チェックサム
タグ検索: GUMI - BowlRoll
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GUMI,, neutrinoP, VOCALOID / The official GUMI V6 MMD model …
Feb 15, 2023 · The official GUMI V6 MMD model Tested it, and it looks cute. Although, it needs a lot of work on it, removal of the nose edge and knee edges lines from the texture, naming the bones and expressions, perhaps adding few more facial expressions...
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