How do you calculate the pH of 0.01 M H2S solution (hydrogen …
Oct 1, 2022 · $\begingroup$ Note that the simplified formula [H+]=sqrt(Ka.c) for pH of monoprotic acid assumes [H2S]>>[HS-]=[H+]. Check, if deviations are acceptable, before accepting the result. Check, if deviations are acceptable, before accepting the result.
pH of strong acid weak acid mixture - Chemistry Stack Exchange
May 15, 2019 · The pH of a mixture of $\ce{H2S}$ solution with $\ce{HCl}$ solution is about the same as the corresponding mixture of water with $\ce{HCl}$ solution. The reason is that $\ce{H2S}$ does not significantly dissociate in water, and even less so in an acidic solution (difference between pKa and pH on the order of 19).
How can we explain solubility of hydrogen sulfide in water?
Hydrogen sulfide is actually relatively strongly soluble in water compared with other low-polarity gases. In Earth Science SE, this answer explains that water-ice hydrates are most likely to be found with gases having low solubility in liquid water such as methane, and in particular methane hydrates are more common than hydrogen-sulfide hydrates because (on …
Calculating pH of aqueous ammonium hydrogen sulfide solution
Jun 22, 2021 · $\begingroup$ Second pKa of H2S is much lower than that and even if this value was correct, it should still be ignored. $\endgroup$ – Mithoron Commented Jun 22, 2021 at 22:27
analytical chemistry - How do you calculate the pH range for …
Dec 15, 2023 · $\ce{Cd^2+}$ and $\ce{Fe^2+}$ (starting concentration $\pu{E-3 mol/L}$) should be separated by precipitation using $\ce{H2S}$. Does a pH range exist allowing to completely precipitate one metal (i.e. the remaining concentration of the precipitated ion has to be $\pu{E-5 mol/L}$ or less) whereas the other stays in solution at its initial ...
acid base - Why can the acidic strength between H2S and HCl be ...
Jan 5, 2019 · Consider simply aqueous solutions of $\ce{H2S}$ and $\ce{HCl}$. It is pretty much known that $\ce{HCl}$ is stronger than $\ce{H2S}$ in water. The reason behind that first is the electronegativity of $\ce{Cl}$ is higher than $\ce{S}$, so, in a polar medium, it becomes easier for the $\ce{H-Cl}$ bond to break than the other one.
Acidic KMnO4 oxidizes H2S to S. Why doesn't the oxidation …
Nov 9, 2020 · Neutral-Acid pH: $\ce{3 H2S + 2 KMnO4 → 3S + 2 MnO2 }$ Wikipedia on KMnO4 supports this pH effect, to quote: The Mn-containing products from redox reactions depend on the pH. Acidic solutions of permanganate are reduced …
Combining acid dissociation constants to determine pH of diprotic …
To actually find the pH of a diprotic acid, you either assume that the first dissociation goes to completion or that the second dissociation is too weak to occur. In general, a large K a1 value means that you can assume that the first disassociation goes to completion. From there, you can use the concentrations of [HA]- and [H]+ and create a ...
Composition and pH of water produced by air conditioners
Jan 20, 2016 · Usually, these substances do not significantly affect the pH of the water. However, when the air contains large amounts of pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides (e.g. produced in industrial processes), the condensed water can become more acidic (like acid rain, which can have pH values of about 4).
acid base - Why can acidification of solution lead to selective ...
$$\ce{S^2- + 2H2O <=> H2S + 2OH-}$$ This forward shift in equilibrium decreases the concentration of sulphide ions in the solution and thus helps in increasing the solubility of the sulphide salts. The solubility is increased because all the sulphide added to the solution doesn't stay in the form of sulphide ions, a major portion of it is ...