Heckler & Koch AG36 - Wikipedia
The AG36 is a single-shot 40 mm underbarrel grenade launcher that operates on the high-low system and was designed primarily for installation on the G36 assault rifle, designed by the German weapons manufacturing company Heckler & Koch of Oberndorf am Neckar.
Heckler & Koch G36 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch G36 (Gewehr 36) is an assault rifle designed in the early 1990s by German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO, and replaced the heavier G3 battle rifle chambered in 7.62×51mm. [1] . The G36 was accepted into service with the Bundeswehr in 1997. [2] .
AG36/HK GLM/AG-C/HK169 ——〖枪炮世界〗
AG36是G36标准型或G36K的专用榴弹发射器,发射40mm榴弹。 它是通过一个一个专门护木挂在G36上,与M203不同的是,AG36的开启方法是向左 撅 开,可以使用较长的弹种,因此使用起来比较灵活,可发射所有的40×46mm榴弹系列,例如催泪弹或非致命的长棍弹。 发射座下面有一个小握把,所以无论装在有托枪还有无托枪上都能方便使用,也比起用弹匣作握把(如M16/M203组合)的榴弹发射器用起来舒适。 枪管为铝合金,内有膛线,可攻击150米内的点目标或400米 …
HK AG36 40X46MM GRENADE LAUNCHER - Small Arms Review
Jul 1, 2003 · Almost immediately a requirement surfaced for a lightweight modern 40mm add-on grenade launcher for the equally modern and lightweight G36 rifle. By 1998 work had already begun at HK GmbH in Oberndorf on a new grenade launcher that would become known as the “Anbaugeraet” AG36 (literally translated as “Additional implement” or “tool”).
List of Heckler & Koch products - Wikipedia
This is a list of all of the weapon products made by Heckler & Koch, a German weapons defence manufacturer with subsidiaries all over the world. It includes fully developed, experimental and military products, as well as those produced under license.
GLM - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
The AG36 is semi-permanently attached to the polymer handguard/forearm of a G36 or G36K and fitted to the host weapon by replacing the standard handguard/forearm with the AG36 configured handguard. The AG36 can fire all standard low velocity 40 x 46 mm ammunition, including high explosive (HE), armour piercing (AP), irritant gas, smoke, less ...
G36 - Heckler & Koch
The G36 is an indirect gas-operated weapon with rotating bolt head in calibre 5.56 mm x 45 NATO. The receiver of the G36 is made of glass-fibre reinforced polymer, resulting in a low overall weight... Probably the most outstanding feature of the G36 is its extraordinarily high reliability.
Heckler & Koch HK AG36 Single-Shot Grenade Launcher - Military Factory
Aug 10, 2023 · The 40mm single-shot, breech-loading Heckler & Koch HK AG36 ("Anbaugranatwerfer 36") was designed as a possible grenade-launching solution for the next possible American assault rifle.
HK AG36 40x46mm Grenade Launcher - gunmountain.com
HK AG36 40x46mm Grenade Launcher. By Jim Schatz The advent of the low-velocity, dual-chamber 40x46mm spin-stabilized grenade in the early 1960’s brought easily portable and accurate long-range high explosive bursting capability to the individual combatant.
HK AG36 – Wikipedia
Der HK AG36 ist ein von dem deutschen Waffenhersteller Heckler & Koch produzierter Granatwerfer im Kaliber 40 mm, der für das Sturmgewehr G36 konzipiert wurde. Der Granatwerfer wurde in zahlreiche Länder exportiert und kann inzwischen an eine Vielzahl von Sturmgewehren montiert werden.