Asymptotic giant branch - Wikipedia
The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) is a region of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram populated by evolved cool luminous stars. This is a period of stellar evolution undertaken by all low- to intermediate-mass stars (about 0.5 to 8 solar masses [citation needed]) late in their lives.
The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram is a plot of luminosity (total power output) against surface temperature, both on log scales. Since neither luminosity nor surface temperature is a directly observed quantity, real plots tend to use observable quantities that …
asymptotic giant branch (AGB) - David Darling
The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) is a region of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram that lies above and roughly parallel (hence the name "asymptotic") with the red giant region.
Horizontal Branch and Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
With two sources of shell fusion energy, the outer layers of the star will expand even more than before and cool, and the star will move up the H-R diagram in a similar path as the red giant branch. This path is called the asymptotic giant branch, or the AGB.
Asymptotic Giant Branch - (Intro to Astronomy) - Fiveable
The Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) is a region in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram that represents the late evolutionary stage of low-to-intermediate mass stars. It is characterized by the star's expansion into a red giant and the onset of thermal pulsing, which drives the star's further evolution towards the end of its life cycle.
asymptotic giant branch - Vaporia
The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) is a grouping of stars (AGB stars) on the H-R diagram (HRD) that form a line-segment or arc leading away from the horizontal branch (HB), generally approaching or on a line close to that indicated by the red-giant branch (RGB).
Stars on the AGB generate energy in a pair of shells: an inner helium-burning shell, and an outer hydrogen-burning shell. These shells are sandwiched between the hydrogen-rich envelope and the carbon-oxygen core; and between the shells themselves is a narrow helium layer. The hydrogen-burning shell adds fresh helium to the top of
Stellar Population Models - Claudia Maraston
Theoretical H-R diagram of an old, metal-poor SSP, up to the RGB-tip (isochrone from [10]). Solid and dotted linestyles mark Main Sequence and post Main Sequence, respectively. Stellar masses at the turnoff (TO) and RGB-tip are given.
The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram | Whitby & District …
May 24, 2023 · The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, abbreviated as H–R diagram, is often considered the most important tool in revealing the relationship between a star's absolute magnitude - or luminosity, verses stellar classification - effective temperature. In essence colour/temperature plotted against brightness.
HR - Diagrams - On the Life Cycles of Stars.
The Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram, or HR – Diagram is an astronomical plot used by astronomers to study and classify stars. Stars are plotted by their temperature and luminosity. These two properties are associated with the spectral class and absolute magnitude of the star, which are also shown.