HU-210 - Drugs-Forum
Aug 20, 2013 · HU-210 is a research chemical, thus the effects and side effects have yet to be determined as there as there is a lack of formal trials conducted on the compound. With HU-210 being anywhere from 100-800 times the potency of THC, great caution should be used when dosing this compound as the overdose threshold is very slim, and almost guarantee ...
Drug information - Hu-210 | Drugs-Forum
Jan 16, 2009 · HU-210 is 100 to 800 times more potent than natural THC from cannabis and has an extended duration of action.[1] HU-210 is the (-)-1,1-dimethylheptyl analog of 11-hydroxy-Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol, in some references it is called 1,1-dimethylheptyl-11-hydroxytetrahydrocannabinol. The abbreviation HU stands for Hebrew University.
Experiences - Hu-210 | Drugs-Forum
Nov 7, 2007 · Experiences Hu-210 Discussion in 'Cannabinoids' started by RaverHippie, Jul 10, 2009. Jul 10 ...
Drug information - Hu-210 | Page 2 - Drugs-Forum
Mar 27, 2013 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Newer Than: Word Count: Search this thread only
HU-210 effects question - Drugs-Forum
Aug 28, 2007 · I tried the search engine but didn't find much of what he is looking for. if someone know of a thread i didn't come across please let me know....
Legality of Research Chemicals in Colorado | Drugs-Forum
Dec 14, 2010 · THE FOLLOWING RESEARCH CHEMICALS ARE BANNED IN COLORADO CP-47,497 CP-47,497 C8 homologue HU-210 HU-211 JWH-018 JWH-073 JWH-081...
Spice - Drugs-Forum
Oct 5, 2009 · Prior to this introduction, the products that contained JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-200, CP-47,497, and HU-210 are known as "First Generation" Spice production. This is a generic term given to the first wave of banned products in the US (and generally around the world as the US followed suit with other nations banning synthetic drugs).
JWH-018 - Drugs-Forum
Jun 8, 2009 · JWH-018 is currently unscheduled at the Federal level. It is not a structural or positional isomer of any scheduled compound, including ∆-9-THC and HU-210 (both Schedule I substances). It may however contravene the Federal Analog Act under certain circumstances due to the functional similarity to Schedule I substances.
Urine Test - Synthetic cannabinoids & urine testing - Drugs-Forum
Nov 12, 2013 · Re: Will synthetic marijuana come out in a probation urine lab test. It really depends on which cannabinoid was in the blend you smoked, as to whether it can be tested for at all.
Other - List of dissociatives? - Drugs-Forum
Aug 21, 2007 · HU-211- an enantiomer of the potent cannabinoid HU-210 which lacks cannabinoid effects and instead acts as a potent non-competitive NMDA antagonist. Ibogaine- a Scheduel I controlled substance in the United States. Found in Dogbane family of plants and used to treat addiction. Ketamine- an animal and human anesthetic and recreational drug.