Bromochlorodifluoromethane - Wikipedia
Bromochlorodifluoromethane (BCF), also referred to by the code numbers Halon 1211 and Freon 12B1, is a haloalkane with the chemical formula C F 2 Cl Br. It is used for fire suppression, …
Halon 1211 - Amerex Fire Systems
A Halon 1211 fire extinguisher uses a liquefied gas, pressurized with nitrogen, which discharges as a vapor causing no cold or static shock and no impairment of the operator’s vision. This …
Halon 1211 - A-Gas
Halon 1211 (Bromochlorodifluoromethane) is a streaming agent that is effective on all common types of fires (A, B, C). Production of this Halon ceased in 1994 as part of the Montreal …
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EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Product Description: Halon 1211 is a colorless, liquefied gas, with a sweet odor, shipped under pressure. Health Hazards: The main acute health hazard …
“Provides requirements for the handling, transportation, and storage of Halon 1211 encountered in distribution through both commercial and military channels. It is intended to ensure that Halon …
Halon 1211 is a widely used fire suppression and explosion protection agent applied primarily as a streaming agent. It has been, for example, the fire extinguishing agent of choice for portable …
See proper method of depressurizing and reclaiming Halon 1211 in SIX-YEAR MAINTENANCE/RECHARGE PROCEDURE. Note: When cleaning, avoid use of solvents …
• ASTM D7673-10 covers the requirements for Halon 1211 as a fire fighting medium • Purity analysis includes detailed GC and GC/MS methodologies • Adherence to ASTM D7673 will …
Halon Frequently Asked Questions - nfpa
Halon is a liquefied, compressed gas that stops the spread of fire by chemically disrupting combustion. Halon 1211 (a liquid streaming agent) and Halon 1301 (a gaseous flooding agent) …
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: Halon 1211 1. Identification of the Substance 1.1 Identification of the preparation Product Name: "Halon 1211, BCF" Chemical Name: …