Hardox® 550 - Get steel for high-wearing parts - SSAB
Hardox® 550, with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW, offers a unique combination of excellent abrasion resistance, crack integrity and workshop performance. Hard and tough, it helps to extend the service life of wear parts in heavy-duty and high wear applications.
Hardox® wear plate – Wear and abrasion-resistant steel - SSAB
Hardox® wear plate is the leading abrasion-resistant (AR) steel. Hard through and through, from the surface deep down to its core. Delivering extended service life and high productivity, it exceeds expectations in the most challenging, extreme wear …
Hardox 550, with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW and toughness close to Hardox 500, increases wear life but not at the expense of crack integrity. Dimension Range Hardox 550 is supplied in plate thickness of 8.0 – 65 mm, up to 2900 mm in width and up to 14630 mm in length.
Your guide to Hardox® wear steel products - SSAB
Hardox ® 550 offers wear life improvements when replacing lower hardness steel grades or manganese steels. Typical applications include liner plates for crushers, chutes and other processing equipment, or hammers in recycling.
Hardox 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 Wear Resistant Steel - Material …
Dec 25, 2022 · Hardox 550 is a wear-resistant sheet with a hardness of approx. 550 HBW and the toughness of Hardox 500. Hardox 550 was developed to ensure an extended service life without compromising crack resistance. Note: Values are maximum permitted.
Hardox® 550, with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW and toughness close to Hardox 500, increases wear life but not at the expense of crack integrity. dimension range Hardox 550 is supplied in plate thickness of 8.0 – 65 mm, up to 2900 mm in width and up to 14630 mm in length. More detailed information on dimensions is provided in the dimension ...
Hardox 550 - Damatech d.o.o
Hardox 550, with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW and toughness close to Hardox® 500, increases wear life but not at the expense of crack integrity.
HARDOX550 Abrasion Resistant Steel Plate
SSAB HARDOX550 steel is a kind of wear-resistant steel plate with an average hardness of 550HBW. HARDOX550 Abrasion Resistant plate is a special structural steel with high wear resistance produced by SSAB.
HARDOX550耐磨钢 - 百度百科
HARDOX悍达 550 是一种平均硬度为 550HBW的耐磨钢板,其韧性与HARDOX悍达500 相同,被应用于高磨损的场合。 其主要针对使用高锰钢铸件或布氏硬度为 500 的耐磨钢板的用户和制造商。 当从 HARDOX悍达500 钢板升级到该产品时,在布氏硬度上提高了 50 个单位,在不损失钢板韧性的情况下延长了耐磨寿命。 HARDOX悍达600 是世界上最硬的耐磨钢板,硬度值达是600 HBW。 它一般应用于磨损极其严重的场合,并且主要用来替代铸钢、铬 合金铸铁 以及表面硬 …
Why Hardox 550 beats manganese steel in wearparts - SSAB
Jun 30, 2015 · Read about Hardox 550 wear plate to understand its benefits and applications, and why it beats 12% manganese steel in wear parts. An extra 50 Brinell goes a long way with Hardox® 550, the wear plate that significantly extends service life and cuts maintenance costs.
Hardox 550 is an abrasion resistant steel with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW. Typical applications are components with abrasion resistance. For more information on applications see www.ssab.com. Hardox 550 is supplied in plate thickness of 8.0 – 51 mm, up to 2900 mm in width and up to 14630 mm in length.
HARDOX550 wear-resistant steel
HARDOX550 is a wear-resistant steel plate. It is mainly aimed at users and manufacturers who use high manganese steel or wear-resistant steel plates with a Brinell hardness of 500.
Hardox 550 - HSPP
Hardox 550 is an abrasion-resistant plate with a hardness of 550 HBW, intended for applications requiring very high abrasion resistance. Hardox 550 is supplied in plate thicknesses of 10-50 mm.
Hardox® 550 - mtl
Hardox® 550 is a Q&T martensitic wearplate for applications that demand high resistance to abrasion, such as hammers, shredders and cutters for the recycling industry. The wear plate significantly extends service life, but not at the expense …
Wear Resistant Plates Hardox 550 – Marex Distribution
Hardox 550, with a nominal hardness of 550 HBW, offers a unique combination of excellent abrasion resistance, crack integrity and workshop performance. Hard and tough, it helps to extend the service life of wear parts in heavy-duty and high wear applications.
Hardox® 550 - 高磨耗部品用耐摩耗鋼板 - SSAB
激しい摩耗用途のために設計されたHardox ® 550は、12%マンガン鋼鋳鋼品、500ブリネルの耐摩耗鋼板またはバイメタルに代わる優れた素材です。 従来の500ブリネル鋼からアップグレードする場合、硬度がさらに50ブリネル上がることで、耐割れ性を犠牲にすることなく、摩耗寿命を延ばすことができます。 Hardox ® 550は通常、採鉱、採石、鉱物処理、土木作業、リサイクルなどの産業で摩耗部品に使用されます。 摩耗ライナー、テールゲートライナー、エプロン …
HARDOX® for SSAB | UL Prospector
Hardox 550 is an abrasion resistant plate with a hardness of 550 HBW, intended for applications requiring very high abrasion resistance. Applications: Liners, bolt on cutting edges, wear strips, skips, chutes, fedders, sieves, cutters, chrushers, shredders, hammers, knives etc.
Material Hardox 550 : Machinig Data Sheet (Machining Doctor)
Material Hardox 550():Cutting conditions, Recommended Carbide Grades, Equivalent Material Standards, and Chemical Composition
Hardox® 550——用于高磨损件的钢材 - SSAB
Hardox ® 550专为重型磨损应用而设计,是12%锰钢铸件、500布氏硬度耐磨板或双金属件的绝佳替代品。 从传统的500 HBW钢升级时,硬度增加50布氏硬度,这将延长耐磨寿命,并避免开裂。 Hardox ® 550通常用于采矿、采石、矿物加工、土方工程和回收等行业的耐磨零件。 为什么选用Hardox ® 550? 耐磨衬板、尾门衬板、围裙式给料机衬板、破碎机、喷射板、传送溜槽、翻斗板、筛条和挖掘斗垫、刃板、耐磨条、采矿业、采石和土方工程中的斗唇护套。 工业加工设备, …
Introduction and application of HARDOX wear plate
HARDOX 550 is a wear-resistant steel plate with an average hardness of 550HBW. It has the same toughness as HARDOX 500 and is used in high wear applications. It is primarily intended for users and manufacturers of high manganese steel castings or wear resistant steel plates with a Brinell hardness of 500.
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