Hay vs. Haylage vs. Silage - CattleToday.com
Apr 29, 2012 · Haylage is cut from more mature grass... higher dry matter, lower feed value than silage. Unless the haylage is simply hay that got wrapped because it was too wet to store, it should be higher feed value than hay. There's probably less risk of a spoiled product when making haylage than either silage or hay.
Baleage vs dry hay | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Apr 20, 2016 · Haylage is definitely worth the cost when considering not being able to make dry hay due to weather. I think the biggest advantage to haylage is you are able to cut the hay when it's in its prime instead of cutting over mature hay when you get the right weather. I'm in the latter crowd. This year our hay was all overgrown.
Haylage vs Round Bales | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow
Mar 13, 2005 · Alfalfa makes sorry roll hay unless you store it inside or wrap it. It won't shed water like grass, so by feeding season, half of your rolls will probably be rotted. Having said that, go with haylage. I would also think you would need more roughage than alfalfa haylage would provide, so you will still have to have some grass hay of some sort.
Skirted hay rings | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Oct 27, 2021 · The hay baled by a regular hay baler becomes sort of tied together by over lapping and being wads of grass so the cow has to pull it loose as it gets a mouth full of grass. And is constantly pulling the hay outside of the ring feeder while it eats. Then that hay gets stomped into the mud, crapped on and is wasted, cow won't eat it.
Oat Hay | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
Oct 24, 2007 · we went ahead a fed to the cows - kind of like haylage - they loved it. but if we were to do it again, i think we would have the bales bagged. also, oat hay is very dense. you might want to consider baling smaller bales than normal - depending on your moving equipment or if you intend on limit feeding 'X' number of pounds of hay per day. ROB
Question: Silage vs Hay - CattleToday.com
May 14, 2003 · also sillage tastes better, so the animals will eat more, and hence produce better. sillage is also easier to keep and make then hay: hay must always be dry, sillage can be kept outside al long as it is baled and wrapped. hi quality hay needs 5 dry days, hi quality sillage needs 24 dry hours. their is also less manpower and workinghours involve ...
haylage, tube or individual wrapper? - CattleToday.com
Mar 21, 2021 · after feeding poor quality hay this winter due to excessive rain fall last year looking for a alternative way, any suggestions?
Unrolling hay | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Apr 17, 2021 · It cut my hay consumption in half, by free feeding they would go through 3-4 bales every 2 days. By unrolling they go through 2 , 1 per day. If you have good hay I found they left nothing behind. Cattle only need about 35 lbs of hay a …
black vs. white plastic wrap on silage bales - CattleToday.com
Feb 21, 2004 · We have silage hay that is wrapped w/ both white and black plastic. Wondering if anyone can give some insite on what the difference would be. We have fed all the white wrapped bales and in a couple days will need to feed the first black wrapped bale. Only reason we used black to start w/ is because the feed mill ran out of white.
Direct Cut Silage | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Nov 27, 2006 · Anyone with experience on direct cut silage vs hay baling? What are the pros and cons? I am looking at the silage option because I don't need to move the harvest far. I can just spread my silage clamps throught my pastures.