MarkForged Kinematics vs Hbot vs CoreXY - RepRap
Mar 7, 2016 · After dealing with a standard hbot configuration for a pick-and-place application, I see one thing that's really nice about the MarkOne's hbot variation. Since X/Y map directly to M1/M2, you can home the gantry by homing one motor at a time.
Core XY vs Hbot Build - RepRap
Jul 21, 2017 · I must admit, I've been in err about the kinematics behind the H-Bot, for a long time now I thought it was the same as the markforged. For all intent and purpose, H-bots behave very similar to coreXY, only less belts to the carriage. here's a pic of the Markforged (and yes the belt path is FUBAR):
What is the name of this cartesian / hbot hybrid kinematics?
Aug 29, 2020 · It's commonly called MarkForged kinematics. It's supported by the standard builds of RepRapFirmware, along with every other kinematics for which the movement of every axis is a linear function of the motion of the motors.
How can i configure Hbot on marlin firmware? - RepRap
Jan 26, 2018 · What is the kinematics difference between a H-Bot and a standard cartesian printer? I guess the only difference is the dual Y-motor. You can control them the same way as the Prusa I3 dual Z steppers. Wire them in serial or parallel to a single driver.
Hbot inverted X axis - RepRap
Apr 29, 2019 · Does h-bot use the same kinematics as corexy? If so, this may help: [ drmrehorst.blogspot.com ] Even if kinematics are different, homing should drive the extruder carriage toward the endstops, whether they are at the max or min ends of the axes.
CoreXY - RepRap
RepRap forum: HBot using fishing line (actually uses the CoreXY configuration) "Concept: h.ORD" is a "CoreXZ" 3d printer. CoreXZ discussion: "RepRap forum: Vertical H-bot with x and z axis?"
Hbot torque vs corexy - RepRap
Sep 8, 2020 · Doing research, some calculations and observations, both corexy and hbot have advantages and disadvantages. Big and very precise printers uses Hbot. I have observed stratasys printers using it for example.
Mar 8, 2024 · */ //#define MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD /** * Electromagnetic Switching Toolhead * * Parking for CoreXY / HBot kinematics. * Toolheads are parked at one edge and held with an electromagnet. * Supports more than 2 Toolheads.
Corexy (or similar) with extened x-axis - RepRap
Nov 11, 2018 · Hi, Would it be possible to create a belt driven xy system with base mounted (stationary) motors, and have a "long reach" x-axis. The problem is that the x mechanics will have to extend beyond the traditional corexy frame. Here is an example of what I mean, though this machine have its x-motor moun
Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY. - RepRap
Jan 21, 2014 · So I have draw my own real CoreXY (not hbot) with aluminium part, and Gt2 belt. Now the most important: This printer can be made with printing part in ABS/PLA, or with "simple" aluminium milling. I have printed the first prototype in ABS, and after that I …