Recursive grep in directory with helm and/or projectile?
You could try helm-do-grep. Calling it with a prefix arg gives you a recursive grep, as explained in the Helm Wiki. If you want to launch helm-do-grep recursively without starting helm-find-files, do: C-u helm-command-prefix-key M-g s. NOTE: If you forget to hit C-u before M-g s you can do it after file selection.
helm - How do you grep/ag in specific subdirectory of a project ...
May 1, 2019 · For my greps I usually use helm-projectile-agbut it recursively greps in project's root. The closest think that I have found is helm-do-grep-ag but it works on default-directory . To achieve the effect on grepping specific directory I first …
how to use helm-do-grep to search within subdirectories?
Jan 18, 2015 · helm does offer a non-recursive and a recursive command, by default it's using the non-recursive one when invoking M-x helm-do-grep unless it has been called with a prefix argument. The values for the non-recursive and recursive command are stored in the helm-grep-default-command and helm-grep-default-recurse-command variables.
helm - a function to grep specified files? - Emacs Stack Exchange
It seems like the most obvious way would be to do a helm-projectile-grep, but Projectile seems to think the "project" is the entire Emacs-Prelude directory (including all my packages) when in fact I want to search only the subdirectory Personal which has my customizations.
How can I replace grep with sift or ag in helm-grep? (Not helm-do …
I've currently got a custom function that I use to grep through files in helm. ;; Search for the thing that the cursor is on or that's already hilighted. If there's nothing, ;; switch back to sear...
How do I set path for ag for helm-do-grep-ag - Emacs Stack …
Oct 12, 2021 · I note that variable is defined in 'C source code' and so I suspect it does not influence commands executed from 'helm-grep.el' As a workaround I customize the variable helm-grep-ag-command to include the explicit full path
how to bind helm-do-grep-1 to a key in emacs? - Stack Overflow
Feb 4, 2015 · (global-set-key [f9] 'helm-do-grep-1) But when I press f9, It complains wrong type argument. I just want it behavior like "C-u C-c h g" to grep recursively. But type so many keys is boring. update: I need to grep recursively. helm-do-grep run in non-recursive mode.
How can I exit helm grep and return to helm window?
Jun 29, 2016 · But once I've entered helm grep, I don't know how to leave it other than C-g, which drops me out of helm. I'd like to simply return to the helm find files screen, since I may have navigated to a different directory, but I haven't found the key combination to do so. Resuming helm (helm-resume) after quitting just brings me to the helm grep screen.
How to tell Helm to ignore certain files? - Emacs Stack Exchange
Jan 25, 2017 · This take effect in helm-find-files and file completion used by helm-mode i.e helm-read-file-name. And the documentation for helm-boring-file-regexp-list says that by default it is built from completion-ignored-extensions .
Error running timer: (error "Candidates function `helm-git-grep …
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