Personal Identity Verification Card 101 - IDManagement.gov
This PIV 101 focuses on using PIV credentials for logical access such as authenticating to networks or applications or digitally signing and encrypting. Using PIV for physical access is available in the PACS 101 .
Federal credentialing services | GSA
Mar 4, 2025 · Get your personal identity verification card (also known as a credential, common access card, LincPass, smart card, badge, etc. depending on your agency). Enhance security, reduce identity fraud, and protect the privacy of government employees and contractors by onboarding with the USAccess program.
PIV Information - Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness
The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card is an identification card issued by a federal agency that contains a computer chip, which allows it to receive, store, recall, and send information in a secure method.
How to Request a Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card
The PIV card contains the necessary data for the cardholder to be granted access to federal facilities and information systems and assure appropriate levels of security for all applicable federal applications.
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Solutions for Government - HID Global
HID Personal Identity Verification (PIV) is an integrated solution for U.S. Federal Government identity, credentials and management. Our comprehensive solution addresses the complete lifecycle of identity access, encompassing identity proofing, secure credential issuance, and management for both physical and IT access.
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) | NIST - National Institute of ...
Jan 27, 2020 · Close to five million PIV Cards today provide multifactor authentication to federal IT resources and facilities.
When logging into a system or application you are presented with multiple certificates to select; the PIV Auth certificate can be identified by following the steps below.
FIPS 201-3, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal …
Jan 24, 2022 · This Standard addresses requirements for initial identity proofing, infrastructure to support interoperability of identity credentials, and accreditation of organizations and processes issuing PIV credentials.
PIV Card/Credential | IBC Customer Central
Aug 21, 2024 · The Personal Identification Verification (PIV) credential is designed to enhance security, reduce identity fraud, and protect personal privacy by establishing a mandatory, government-wide standard for secure and reliable forms of identification.
PIV 101 - IDManagement.gov
Description: This Personal Identity Verification (PIV) 101 is intended to help you understand the purpose and uses of a PIV credential at your organization. Identity Scope: Workforce Identity
Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors PIV
May 24, 2016 · It is based on secure and reliable forms of identity credentials issued by the Federal Government to its employees and contractors. These credentials are used by mechanisms that authenticate individuals who require access to federally controlled facilities, information systems, and applications.
(PIV) standard for Federal Employees and Contractors, Federal Information Processing Standard 201, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors (FIPS 201), was developed to define procedures and specifications for issuance and use of an interoperable identity credential. This document, Special Publication 800 -76
3. PIV System Overview - NIST
The PIV system is composed of components and processes that support a common platform for identity authentication across federal departments and agencies for access to multiple types of physical and logical access environments.
Eligibility for PIV Credentials On December 15, 2020, the OPM Acting Director, in his capacity as the Credentialing Executive Agent, issued Credentialing Standards Procedures for Issuing Personnel Identity Verification Cards under HSPD-12 and New Requirement for Suspension or Revocation of Eligibility for Personal Identity Verification Credentials
Overview of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Standard
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) is a security standard detailed in NIST FIPS 201-2 that creates a framework for multi-factor authentication (MFA) on a smartcard. While PIV was originally designed for the US government, it has seen widespread use in commercial applications.
FIPS 201 - Wikipedia
FIPS 201 (Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201) is a United States federal government standard that specifies Personal Identity Verification (PIV) requirements for Federal employees and contractors.
Introduction & Training on Badges - National Institutes of Health
Your PIV card is a United States federal smart card that contains the necessary data for the cardholder to be granted both physical and logical access to federal facilities, NIH network, and information systems.
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and ...
Sep 4, 2013 · The Standard also provides detailed specifications that will support technical interoperability among PIV systems of Federal departments and agencies. It describes the card elements, system interfaces, and security controls required to securely store, process, and retrieve identity credentials from the card.
How to Use Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Credentials to
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is the standard for a personal identity verification (PIV) system and is based on the use of smart cards with an X.509 compliant certificate and key pair. That is a physical card containing a digital file that can only be accessed by the owner.
The Seamless Framework For Personal Identity Verification
Nov 7, 2024 · Personal Identity Verification (PIV) is a NIST FIPS 201-2 security standard that establishes a framework for multi-factor authentication (MFA) using a smartcard.