Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board
Why Is It a Noxious Weed? Hoary cress is a highly competitive plant forming a monoculture, and once established, it easily displaces native vegetation. It has the potential to reduce the value of high-price wheat lands. How would I identify it?
Hoary Cress, commonly called Whitetop, a deep-rooted, per- dominate an entire parcel. Small infestations are spread by rhizomes ennial mustard, is a highly-competitive and aggressive nox- which are underground stems capable of producing shoots. ious weed.
Whitetop | National Invasive Species Information Center
Whitetop, hoary cress, whiteweed, peppergrass, heart-podded hoarycress, hoary cardaria. Eurasia (Zouhar 2004) Possibly introduced as an ornamental (Zouhar 2004) Crowds out native …
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Hoary Cress
CACEAE Description: Hoary Cress is a deep rooted perennial that grows. p to 2 feet tall. It reproduces from root se. ents and by seed. Leaves are blue-green in color, lance shaped and covered wi. soft, white hairs. Lower leaves are stalked; upper leaves have two lobes t.
How To Control Whitetop in Your Yard - Invasive Garden
Oct 24, 2019 · When dealing with any weed, it helps to understand what it is and what contributes to its growth. Whitetop also goes by the name whiteweed, hoary cardaria, peppergrass, and heart-podded hoary cress. This non-native plant can grow as high as two feet.
Impacts: Hoary cress is the most common and most aggressive of the three species. However, all three species can completely displace desirable vegetation forming dense monocultures. Once established, they can be very difficult to control. They are generally considered to …
Weed of the Month: Hoary Cress - Teton County Weed & Pest …
Hoary Cress, also known as whitetop, is a creeping perennial from Europe that spreads rapidly through both seeds and persistent roots. Identified by its lance-shaped leaves and dense clusters of small white flowers, this invasive plant thrives in …
Hoary Cress – Adams County Extension
Hoary cress is one of the earliest perennial weeds to emerge in the spring. Flowering occurs between late April through May. It is an aggressive weed that forms dense colonies that make it difficult to control. Hoary cress can be found in pastures, small grain fields, roadsides, meadows, and waste places.
Lepidium draba - Wikipedia
Also known as Cardaria draba, hoary cress is a weed in much of south-east and south-west Australia as well. [7][8] It has been suggested that native grasses from the Poa genera may be able to outcompete hoary cress in North America.
Hoary cress - Department of Primary Industries
Hoary cress is an invasive plant of pastures, cereal crops, horticultural crops, roadsides and neglected areas. In cropping systems, hoary cress can significantly reduce crop yields, interfere with harvesting and is a grain contaminant.