Honda V50 | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Sep 6, 2012 · Honda V50. Thread starter cdavid67; Start date Aug 27, 2012; Forums. Bicycle Motor. 4 Stroke Bicycle ...
Honda GXH50 electric start | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Oct 14, 2008 · Is it not an option to just adapt the parts from your electric start 43cc 2-stroke to the Honda GXH 50? As for Fuel tank options look to the world of mopeds. Moped Army - Swarm and Destroy look thru the photo gallerys to see which models have tanks that you like and then look for them used on e-bay or at moped shops. The Deringer tank mentioned ...
Honda GXH50 Fuel Pump Install | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit …
Apr 11, 2009 · Honda GXH50 Fuel Pump Install. Thread starter enigma3778; Start date Apr 10, 2009; Forums. Bicycle Motor ...
Honda GXH 50 Engine - Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Mar 26, 2008 · I don't remember seeing any Honda setups here. Four stroke frame mounts are not too popular yet. As far as I know this engine is physically identical to the Honda. The height of my engine from mounting plate to the top of the choke handle is 9.75". It is 9.5" to the top of the valve cover. These pix might be useful.
performance mods for honda GX50 - Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit …
Aug 31, 2014 · Re: performance mods for honda 50 Give us a little more info, DW. We don't know if you mean a Honda cub motor (like the Z-50) or a GX50. We don't know if you mean a Honda cub motor (like the Z-50) or a GX50.
Honda Z50 siezed | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Sep 21, 2008 · This, i would like to get running. I had one like it (PRE rear shocks) when i was just a pup. the people that gave it to me claim to the best of their memory, that it ran until one year, they tried to fire it up and everything was stuck. the kickstart wont budge, and it wont go into any...
Honda GXH50 Throttle setup | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
May 12, 2009 · There is no way you can run the GXH50 on a bike without dissabling the governor. The moment the throttle passes 1/2 way, the govn. snaps and the motor goes full throttle. I just ran the motor for 1 minute today. I was holding it in my hands while it ran. ALMOST no vibration. WOW these Honda motors are really something.
honda gxh50 rpm's - Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Mar 22, 2011 · This matches the Honda graph, where the GXH50 makes ~1KW of power and over 1.8 lb/ft of torque. On my setup, I'm turning 6K rpm @ 30, so I'm usually under that. The Max-Torque clutch in the Q-matic offers a different experience through the rev range than a shifter setup - it's less direct.
Stretch&Chopper Builds with 4-stroke Pit/Dirtbike 50cc Engines
May 23, 2010 · Here's a lil History bout those Honda bikes / engines the first one's Honda sold in the USA were the Honda Cub's or Super cub that was around 1960, then Honda released the Honda 50 Mini Trail around 1968, then came others like the Honda CT 70 Trail Bike, using the same 4-stroke horizontal engine used on earlier Honda models.
Honda GC160 max rpm with | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum
Jan 31, 2018 · Hello. I would appreciate some different opinions on the maximum rpm a stock Honda GC160 can run at with only the governor removed, and is the governor removal similar to removing the governor on a GX series engine? Can the piston hit the valves when the valves float on the GC engines? I've read that valve float on the GX series is a safety ...