Yamaha ybr 125 o Honda CB 125 Twister ?? : r/MotosArg - Reddit
Aug 26, 2023 · Ybr! Fíjate en la calle y compará en general el estado de la dos motos en los modelos más viejos. Las honda están todas hechas pipa y las ybr siguen enteras, salvo algunos casos que están cascoteadas pero todas todas están enteras. Son un fierrito. Y segunda marca la s2 como dijeron por ahí, pero ni en pedo te dura toda la vida como la ybr
Opinions on Yamaha YBR 125 for first bike? : r/motorcycles - Reddit
YBR 125 has legendary reputation (people did trips around the world on it) but for me it is very boring. It also costs alot while new compared to Indian/Chinese bikes being 100% Chinese bike itself. We had YBR 125s and XG 250s in a school, YBR was the most boring and underpowered bike I had while XG 250 was a blast to ride.
Honda CBF 125 or Yamaha YBR 125? : r/motorcycles - Reddit
May 29, 2015 · Honda CBF 125 or Yamaha YBR 125? Getting my first bike and have seen both a Yamaha YBR and a Honda CBF being sold by a local dealer in perfect condition for £1,700 each (YBR comes with a top box). Was wondering people's opinions in which bike they feel it more worth the price tag and if anyone has had a better experience with one over the other?
Primera moto: glh 150 vs ybr 125 vs gn 125 : r/MotosArg - Reddit
Feb 22, 2023 · Adhiero con toda la furia, las GN125/EN125 son lo más grande que hay para ciudad. No consume nada, mecánica sencilla y eficiente, es super bajita, liviana y maniobrable, repuestos fáciles de conseguir y baratos. Ideal para lo que busca OP. Lo único mejor que eso sería una Honda V-Men y no se venden 0KM en Argentina.
Yamaha YBR 125 vs Honda PCX 125 : r/motorcycles - Reddit
Apr 16, 2013 · At low speeds, it will be faster and more agile than the YBR, the YBR is better suited for the country roads and general riding for fun. The PCX is more convenient, because it has a CVT (belt drive, automatic) and storage, but the YBR will be cheaper to run (service intervals are 50% longer, service is easier/cheaper).
Honda Wave 0km o Yamaha YBR125ed (2015) y por qué? : …
Feb 23, 2023 · Ybr ed, a futuro se revende más fácil, anda más y sigue consumiendo re poco y de repuestos precios ok. Igual para mi siempre pidieron una burrada esa moto porque quedándome en yamaha voy de tiro por un fz16 que es mejor em todo o ya el fz fi que anda menos pero consume mucho menos debido a la inyección.
Should I get a new Suzuki GS-150 or YBR-125 through an lslamic …
yup its heavier its sturdier as the ybr tank is not actually steel but i just like the drive better then the gs imo and honestly cant explain why maybe because its a bit lighter and im not that big 😅 ive had ybr for the 2.5 years and never really had any major parts problem but the yamaha certified dealerships does provide the parts though but yeah gs parts were much cheaper when i had one
Yamaha YBR 125 or Yamaha YZF-R125 or Honda CBR 125R
May 30, 2013 · YBR 125 is just fucking ulgy (sorry) and has the weakest motor of these three. It looks like the most comfortable tho I chose the YZF-R125 because i think it looks the nicest and I had been told that I will get used to the racy sitting position.
Which bike should i buy : r/pakistan - Reddit
Sep 23, 2023 · Well YBR G is kinda good looking but the seat style or sitting style when riding is aggressive/lean forward, the other problem with YBR is the body to power ratio is not balanced, I personally like it's feel for short commute but it lacks power which kills the fun, 150 is more like relaxed tpyewith very good power and I would say still fuel …
Confused about bikes : r/pakistan - Reddit
Apr 6, 2024 · Some information: I currently have a Honda cd70 national bike of punjab, I have a daily drive of 70km so obviously that on a cd70 is borderline self harm. I have a budget of around 350k to 370k and I want to buy a 125cc or 150cc. I'm …