Horus - Wikipedia
Horus was often the ancient Egyptians' national tutelary deity. He was usually depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing the pschent, or a red and white crown, as a symbol of kingship over the entire kingdom of Egypt.
Statue of the God Horus as a Falcon - Egypt Museum
This fine limestone statue probably comes from a chapel dedicated to the god Horus, in the vicinity of the tomb of King Djer at Abydos. At the time of the discovery, the statue still retained significant remains of its polychromy.
Statue of Horus - The Art Institute of Chicago
From the appearance of the first kings in Egypt (about 3000 BCE), the ruler was considered to be the earthly manifestation of Horus, the god of divine kingship. Statues of Horus in the form of a falcon like this one were displayed in temples as part of the royal cult, which celebrated the ruler’s role as an intercessor between humans and gods.
Horus | Story, Appearance, Symbols, & Facts | Britannica
Horus Horus as a falcon, Egyptian bronze statue, 26th dynasty to Ptolemaic dynasty (7th–3rd century bce); in the Brooklyn Museum, New York. Height 11.3 inches (28.8 cm).
Statue of Horus Falcon Wearing Pschent Crown with Uraeus
The falcon soaring in the sky embodied the god’s qualities, and Horus was represented as a falcon or falcon-headed man. As heir to the divine kingship of Egypt, he appears here with the royal uraeus (cobra) and the Pschent or the double crown of Egypt.
Horus falcon figure | Late Period or Ptolemaic Period | The ...
The falcon god Horus stands with his wings swept back. He wears the double crown of Egypt, a royal crown that symbolizes the union of Lower and Upper Egypt, and highlights Horus’ role as the legitimate ruler of the entire land.
Statuette of Isis nursing Horus | Ptolemaic Period | The …
Title: Statuette of Isis nursing Horus. Period: Ptolemaic Period. Date: 332–30 B.C. Geography: From Egypt. Medium: Faience. Dimensions: H. 17 cm (6 11/16 in); W. 5.1 cm (2 in.); D. 7.7 cm (3 1/16 in.) Credit Line: Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest Fund, 1955. Object Number: 55.121.5
Statue of Horus at Edfu | Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
The granite statue of the falcon god Horus of Edfu stands in the court of Edfu Temple at the entrance to the pronaos.
Gold Head of the Falcon God Horus - Egypt Museum
This exquisite gold head of the falcon god Horus, lord of the sun and patron deity of kingship, was found below the floor of the main chamber of his temple at Hierakonpolis, north of Edfu. The head, which is made out of beaten gold, was fixed to a copper statue of the falcon Horus.
Huge Statue of God Horus Found in Egyptian Temple
Dec 22, 2019 · An international team of archaeologists has found a massive statue of the god Horus, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. It was discovered during restoration work on a major temple.