Herald of Zakarum - Diablo Wiki
The Herald of Zakarum is a unique Gilded Shield, a type of shield from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction exclusive only to Paladins. The Herald of Zakarum is probably the best shield option for Paladins that specialize in Combat Skills, such as FoHers, Smiters, or Hammerdins.
Herald Of Zakarum • Diablo 2 Resurrected Unique Item • diablo2.io
Jun 16, 2021 · Defense: 867 NB These are the perfect values possible for a level 99 character. This shield, commonly referred to as the "HoZ", is generally useful to any Paladin build due to its many useful affixes, including an unmatched-in-slot +4 to Combat Skills.
Tips on farming HoZ? - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums
May 19, 2022 · As others have mentioned, the best places to farm for HoZ are listed below: Nightmare: -Diablo actually has one of the best chances in NM to drop the class specific uniques.
Herald of Zakarum - Drop Rates, Trade Value and Stats in D2R
Herald of Zakarum is a Unique Gilded Shield in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). This exceptional Paladin Shield has a quality level of 50 and a treasure class of 51. It can be equipped only by a Paladin character.
Should I upgrade my Herald of Zakarum? • diablo2.io
That's because the base HoZ will have max base def + 1, due to being an ED unique, meaning the Gilded Shield you currently have started with 169 defense. If you upgrade that to a Zakarum, the ED auto-max bonus sadly gets lost and you end …
Does smiter need to upgrade HoZ to zakarum shield?
Oct 27, 2021 · That HoZ can always be reused on a different build (Maybe hammerdin?) after you get a better smiter shield. As for what you put in the socket, it depends on your need but stacking resistance is good in general against ubers mephisto.
Herald of Zakarum - Shields - Equipment - Gamer Guides
The Herald of Zakarum is arguably the best Paladin shield in the game, regardless of whether you’re playing a [Smiter], a Hammerdin or some other build.
Where can I get an hoz shield? : r/Diablo_2_Resurrected - Reddit
Aug 8, 2022 · I think HOZ can drop anywhere from act 3 NM and up. Just look at the different areas that your character can farm efficiently, what you like running and do that over and over. You will find other things along the way and eventually a HOZ will come along.
HOZ or Spirit shield : r/diablo2 - Reddit
Jul 24, 2021 · HoZ gives less FCR & FHR, but comes with more damage. So it depends on if you aim for the final fcr/fhr breakpoints or if you prefer more damage, at a slower pace. If you already have breakpoint without spirit, HoZ all the way. Spirit if you hit …
Dac's Guide To Smiter Shields - Topic - d2jsp
Jul 24, 2011 · HoZ is a great basic shield but in the upper echelons of competition there are better shield options that yield higher damage, resistance, life, and attack rating! I hope that this guide was informative and will prove useful for those that join the ranks of dueling smiters and v/ts.