Humber Pig - Wikipedia
The Humber Pig is a lightly armoured truck used by the British Army from the 1950s until the early 1990s. The Pig saw service with the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) chiefly as an armoured personnel carrier from late 1958 until early 1970.
Humber Pig APC (1956) - tank-afv.com
Not spectacular for modern standard APCs, the "Pig" did its job and was eventually retired in the early 1990s, their career encompassing all the cold war with years to spare. It was also the base for the 1955 Hornet Malkara missile launching vehicle.
Humber Pig - Armourgeddon Tank Sales
Humber Pig The FV1611 was built in the 1950’s by Humber, were just over 1,700 were produced and was quickly nicknamed the ‘Pig’. In the 1960’s they rebuilt the Pig as a MK 2 giving it extra armour to defend against armour piercing bullets and rocket propelled grenades.
WarWheels.Net-Humber Pig APC Index
The Humber Armored Truck series was based on the chassis of the Humber FV 1600 4x4 1-Ton C.T. Cargo Truck. The vehicles were given the nickname of "The Pig" due to its rough ride and handling.
Humber Pig | ParaData
Converted from the FV1600 Humber 1 Ton Truck series vehicles, the design was originally intended to provide an armoured truck, but was adapted to fulfil the Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) role.
British Humber "Pig" Armoured Personnel Carrier - Khaki Corps …
The Pig, as it is commonly referred to, is normally found in one of two levels of armour. The Mk 1 was the original APC with the Mk 2 being an up-armoured version. The up-armoured version is reported to be 7.62mm resistant.
Military Vehicles Humber - Gun Mart
Dec 15, 2016 · The Pig is available to purchase through various Websites or dealers such as the Aldershotbased Dave Joseph; telephone 01252 323897. ‘Flying Pigs’ are available as are standard versions with prices starting at around £3,500 for one in good condition.
Humber Pig (FV 1611-series) - Danish Army Vehicles Homepage
The Humber Pig was a heavily-armoured truck used by the British Army from the mid 1950s until the 1990s. The original vehicles were built by adding an armoured body to a four wheel drive 1-ton Humber truck (FV 1601), and were designed as a stop-gap measure until fleets of purpose-built armoured vehicles were delivered.
A strange looking Humber Pig painted in Light Admiralty Grey. The explanation is that this Humber pig is being restored to the specifications of a vehicle that saw police service between 1958 and 1970.
Humber 1 ton 4x4 Pig Squirt armoured truck, 1953 | Online …
The Humber one-ton armoured personnel carrier or 'Pig' became the most common armoured vehicle to be used by the British Army in Northern Ireland, being readily adapted for a variety of roles, including medical evacuation.