Powhumus WSG 85 Water-Soluble Organic Plant Growth …
POWHUMUS® WSG 85 is a water-soluble organic plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner based on active humic acid (potassium humate). As a permanent humic substance will remain …
HuminTech® POWHUMUS® WSG 85 - Agrarshop-Online
HuminTech® POWHUMUS® WSG 85 ist ein konzentriertes Huminsäuresalz. Da es zu 100 Prozent wasserlöslich ist, stellt es einen hochwertigen Pflanzenwachstumsförderer und …
Humintech | Mundo Agrícola
POWHUMUS® WSG 85 es un humato de potasio soluble en agua, altamente activo y concentrado procedente de Leonardita Alemana. Actúa como mejorador de suelos y …
Humintech GmbH - POWHUMUS® WSG 85 is a concentrated humic... - Facebook
POWHUMUS® WSG 85 is a concentrated humic acid substance and a 100% water soluble high quality plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner. It can be applied to agricultural and …
Powhumus - WSG 85 - Organic Soil Conditioner Brochure
POWHUMUS WSG 85 is a concentrated humic acid substance and a 100% water soluble high quality plant growth stimulant and soil conditioner. It can be applied to agricultural and …
Powhumus® - Aphaeas Agriculture Ltd
Powhumus® is the main on-farm product. A water soluble granule, it is a concentrated humic acid substance containing 80 – 85% potassium humate and as a powerful growth stimulant and soil …
HuminTech POWHUMUS 25 kg WSG 85 Potassium Salt Humic …
Aug 8, 2023 · POWHUMUS WSG 85 is a concentrated humic acid salt. Because it is 100 percent water soluble, it represents a high quality plant growth promoter and soil improver for leaf and …
Plant Humus WSG
O PlantHumus WSG é um produto de alta tecnologia que, devido ao processo de extração alcalina de depósitos de leonardita alemã altamente oxidados, possui teores de ácidos …
POW Humus 100% Water Soluble Soil Conditioner & Plant …
POW Humus is a premium, 100% water-soluble soil conditioner and plant growth stimulant, designed to improve soil fertility and boost plant growth. This product is ideal for enhancing …
HuminTech HUMUS WSG 56.9% Soil Conditioner and Plant …
HuminTech HUMUS WSG 56.9% Soil Conditioner and Plant Growth Stimulant Usage: May be applied to all organic and horticultural crops such as corn, rice, sugar cane, vegetables, fruit …
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