Gtx 1080 ti & old i7 920 @ 3.6ghz bench - [H]ard|Forum
Sep 11, 2017 · That alternate i7-920 system with the 1080TI is just a random one I found on futuremark's site with the same exact Mhz on the 1080TI in my 7700k system for a fair GPU comparison. The thing is - the GPU is still the bottleneck for probably like 95% + of games -- EVEN on something as old as a I7-920.
i7 920 - Core Temperature Differences - [H]ard|Forum
Jan 25, 2007 · Just finished an i7 build and I'm a little curious about temperature differences across the cores. i7 920 @ stock / Vigor Monsoon III / Arctic Silver 5 Asus P6T (Bios settings Auto) OCZ 1600 3x 2GB @ stock Asus HD 4830 512MB @ stock Antec P182 Case Corsair CMPSU-850TX Power When...
i7 920 Default Voltage question... - [H]ard|Forum
Oct 11, 2004 · Hello all, Before I bought my i7 920 I read that the default voltage is 1.2, however, I checked CPUZ and my default voltage (at Auto) is at 1.056. Do I need to set it at 1.2 manually or should I just leave it alone? I am not oc'ing yet and I have …
i7 920 load temps...are they normal? - [H]ard|Forum
Oct 22, 2011 · I currently have my i7 920 @ 1.325V (D0) and it idles ~31C with an ambient room temp of 77F. Under load (prime95 particularly) it may reach 75-77C. All specs are provided in my sig and as you can see I am using a triple rad with a push/pull setup. I'm wondering if anyone out there is running a...
i7 920 Stuck at 12x multiplier - [H]ard|Forum
Feb 12, 2009 · Some folks over in the GPU section (other than offering some good advice regarding upgrade paths on gpus and whatnot) recommended I try out switching to a X5650 instead of this old i7 920. Seems affordable and I might yet still do that. Before doing that though, I thought I would take another swing at overclocking my old i7 920 cpu.
Please Recommend i7 920 Upgrade - [H]ard|Forum
Mar 25, 2008 · Hoping to get some recommendations to upgrading my i7 920 setup I use for gaming: i7 920 @ 3.9GHz EVGA GTX 970 EVGA X58 SLI3 motherboard SanDisk SSD 480GB LG Ultrawide 2560x1080 I play mostly games like Ark and have been able to run them at near high settings just fine. I would like to keep...
How many watts does your i7 920 and accessories consume?
Nov 1, 2009 · I recently got aggrivated at the increase in my bills for electric.. realizing the source is obviously my main rig.. i did some testing.. I have a ups that monitors watts.. Everything turned on, including 3 24" lcds and two routers, a gigabit switch and comcast modem.. i …
Overclocking i7 920 on Intel DX58SO - [H]ard|Forum
Aug 6, 2000 · I have an i7-920 and a DX58SO in my auxiliary box. Truth is, the components on that board are just not good enough to reach much higher than about 3.7 to 3.8 GHz with that CPU. Also, the DX58SO is missing one key voltage adjustment provision: the CPU PLL voltage. It is permanently fixed at a reference 1.80V.
Intel Core i7 920 D0 Overclock - [H]ard|Forum
Mar 15, 2009 · I stumbled across this other thread on another forum where a guy overclocks a D0 revision of the i7 920. Well, he got some pretty remarkable results. The thread continues trying to discredit the OP saying that it was an engineering sample rather than a retail sample of the processor. In any...
I7 975 Extreme vs I7 920 DO - [H]ard|Forum
Jun 4, 2007 · Anyway, yeah the i7 920 is the better choice in this case. Just think about it: That $800 additional price will not make your system last nor perform that much better than the i7 920 to justify the costs. That $800 can go towards faster video cards, two …