INFP/INTJ Best Friends | Personality Cafe
Jul 25, 2014 · INFP/INTJ relationships can be the deepest and most rewarding kind, and I would argue that it is probably one of the best-paired of the MBTI because we are clear opposites and we can learn so much from another. My best friend (INTJ) and I (INFP) have great chemistry, but I know that most INFPs would not be able to handle him.
INTJ/INFP- what is it about the two? | Personality Cafe
Jan 9, 2010 · And I agree: INTJ-INFP relationships make for very hard work to maintain. Though apparently some romantic relationships between these types seem to survive in the long run (and even flourish?) Personally I would make a conscious effort to avoid developing too close a relationship with INFPs, which isn't easy, given how attractive I find them.
INTJ/INFP friendships? | Personality Cafe
Jun 14, 2012 · The INTJ type can get the INFP type to stop moving - get them to sit still on the bottom of the pool and just exist instead of being in a constant flux of emotional state that prevents a stable thought process.
INFP "turning" into INTJ | Personality Cafe
Jul 28, 2014 · INFP Forum - The Idealists INFJ Forum - The Protectors INTP Forum - The Thinkers INTJ Forum - The Scientists Myers Briggs Forum Top Contributors this Month View All
Most common types in MMORPGS = INFP, ISTJ, INTJ
Jun 14, 2010 · Most of them are INFP, ISTJ or INTJ. There'S like 8 pages and I'd say around 70% are in these 3. There was like one ENTP lol ISTJ is not surprising at all... with all the bunch of "Super Dark Warriors ahve a skill that increase their damage 270% and Super LIght Warrior have their damage increased 260%. Thats why Dark Warriros are better".
INFP female INTj male? | Personality Cafe
May 23, 2012 · INFP/INTJ is my favorite pairing. One of the biggest hurdles for the start of the relationship would probably just be breaking the ice, since as introverts, the INFP and INTJ will probably need a bit more time to get comfortable with each other, but that's also dependent on the individuals and their scenarios.
Mistyping as INFP (or another NF) | Personality Cafe
Feb 9, 2016 · The first three have in common Fi present in the dominant or auxiliary stakes, the last two have Ti and Fe as tertiary and inferior. So I kept doing tests, like sarkinova and ended up going into a cycle, INFP-INFJ-INTJ. I kept looking, Idrlabs, Function Ni as dominant for more than once, and in the following order Ni>Fe>Te>Fi>Ne>Ti>Si>Se.
INFP - INTJ friendships/relationships? | Personality Cafe
Feb 10, 2014 · The INTJ-INFP girl friendship dynamic is one I've been curious about. I think it would greatly depend on the INFP's level of sensitivity and maturity, because the INTJ can be very direct and blunt and I personally dislike walking on eggshells around people constantly. I'm sure the right INTJ/INFP girls would make a great dynamic duo.
Acting like INTJ | Personality Cafe
Jul 28, 2017 · I used to type as INTJ and act INTJ-ish. I think the reason being I was going through a lot of stress, depression and anger when I first discovered MBTI. I was in a very toxic, emotionally abusive relationship and my brother had passed away. Basically when I'm in a happy, peaceful place I type and act as INFP (my true self.)
What do INTJ's think of INFP's? | Personality Cafe
Feb 13, 2014 · An INTJ with some legitimate Fi might be great for an INFP, in that the INFP may encourage the INTJ's exploration of Fi, while the INTJ might encourage the exploration of the sensitive point, Te, in the INFP. Their both being introverts might afford sufficient common ground that they get each other pretty well.