Your thoughts on INFP Females? : r/mbti - Reddit
INFP females develop very differently from INFP males in my experience. The same qualities that make life incredibly difficult for INFP males are universally adored in INFP females. Being quiet, idealistic, naive, aloof, etc.
How's the compatibility and connection between INFJ man and …
Sep 18, 2023 · I’m the reverse, INFP man married to an INFJ woman. We’ve been together over 20 years, most of them really happy. For the most part we understand each other really well and are really compatible. We both respect each others need for alone time, but also feel totally comfortable in each others presence.
INFJ female and INFP relationship dynamics : r/infp - Reddit
Apr 25, 2022 · Infp male in a relationship with infj female here. We experienced this exact same problem, and still do sometimes. My lack of planning is perceived by her as a lack of caring. The reality is, I just suck at planning; looking at dates and times and trying to organise it all and keep track of everything is so so so exhausting for the infp mind.
Gauging her interest level: experiences with an INFP woman
Aug 3, 2023 · Sorry for the long post. I have been getting to know an INFP woman, and want to get your opinions on her general level of interest. I know people are deeper than MBTI but I find it all kinda interesting. I'll list out my experiences but first, a bit of context: We've known each other for about 6 months, and are good friends at this point.
Why is an entj and an infp a good match? : r/entj - Reddit
Jul 23, 2021 · It's supposed to be this "we cover each other's blind spots" type relationship, which is pretty idealistic. I've seen an ENTJ x INFP relationship work (meaning they've been together for like 2 years lol). The INFP girl is pretty dead pan and speaks assertively and …
Advice needed. I (m30) have been texting an infp woman (f26
The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values.
A message from an infp woman to infp men : r/infp - Reddit
The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives.
ENFJ/INFP : r/enfj - Reddit
Nov 9, 2022 · This makes me so happy to hear! I’m an INFP woman, and after 6 years of being single, I just met the most perfect ENFJ man a few months ago and I am smitten!! I would marry him tomorrow if he asked, I really never thought I’d find someone im so compatible with. It really is an amazing match.
INFP man ~ ENFP woman : r/infp - Reddit
Idk.. the thought of an INFP man is charming since it's a bit different than the society's expectations from men. Fuck those expectations. Anyways. I admire depth in people and I guess you have it to the core, even if you don't show it to everyone. So, I'm wondering how a male INFP - female ENFP relationship would be like. Cuz you know "the ...
INFP Women, Question for you about us INFJ Men as partners
Apr 10, 2023 · The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values.