What is the difference between UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 encodings?
Aug 13, 2011 · This frequently leads to a mismatch where 8859-1 can be displayed as 1252 perfectly fine, and 1252 may seem to display fine as 8859-1, but will misbehave when one of those extra symbols shows up. Aside from cp1252, the Turkish cp1254 is a similar superset of ISO-8859-9, but all other Windows Code Pages have at least some fundamental conflicts ...
Convert iso-8859-1 to utf-8 javascript - Stack Overflow
Nov 26, 2014 · The case is I want to fix my subtitle issues as they are encoded in ISO-8859-1 and convert them to UTF-8. I do the thing manually by changing the Unicode of the subtitle via Firefox view -> Text Encoding and change it to Arabic Windows and replacing the fixed text into the subtitle file and save it as UTF-8 .
c# - How to convert string to "iso-8859-1"? - Stack Overflow
Mar 10, 2009 · .NET Strings are all UTF-16 internally. There is no UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 encoded System.String in .NET. To get the binary representation of the string in a particular encoding use System.Text.Encoding class: byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859 …
Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8
Mar 26, 2014 · This is a common problem, so here's a relatively thorough illustration. For non-unicode strings (i.e. those without u prefix like u'\xc4pple'), one must decode from the native encoding (iso8859-1/latin1, unless modified with the enigmatic sys.setdefaultencoding function) to unicode, then encode to a character set that can display the characters you wish, in this case I'd recommend UTF-8.
Is ISO-8859-1 a Unicode charset? - Stack Overflow
Oct 9, 2012 · ISO 8859-1 is not Unicode. ISO 8859-1 is also known as Latin-1. It is not directly a Unicode format. However, it does have the unique privilege that its code points 0x00 .. 0xFF map one-to-one to the Unicode code points U+0000 .. U+00FF. So, the first 256 code points of Unicode, treated as 1 byte unsigned integers, map to ISO 8859-1.
javascript - Charset validation in web text field - Stack Overflow
Nov 18, 2013 · I need to limit character input in a text field (using ASP.Net/JavaScript/JQuery) to only allow characters in the ISO/IEC 8859-1 charset.
regex - How to check if a string has any non ISO-8859-1 …
I want to write a string validator (or regex) for ISO-8859-1 characters in Javascript. If a string has any non ISO-8859-1 character, then validator must return false otherwise true. E.g: str = "a...
unicode - Python ISO-8859-1 encoding - Stack Overflow
Nov 13, 2011 · I'm facing a huge encoding problem in Python when dealing with ISO-8859-1 / Latin-1 character set. When using os.listdir to get the contents of a folder I'm getting the strings encoded in ISO-8859...
C# Convert string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) H
Jan 29, 2016 · Basically I need to convert UTF-8 string to ISO-8859-1 and I do it using following code: Encoding iso = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; string msg = iso.GetString(utf8.GetBytes(Message)); My source string is. Message = "ÄäÖöÕõÜü" But unfortunately my result string becomes. msg = "Ã?äÃ?öà ...
How do I transcode a Javascript string to ISO-8859-1?
So it is my theory that if I transcode the string to ISO-8859-1 before sending it, it should solve my problem. No, no. The target server could handle strings in other than ISO-8859-1. For instance, Tomcat handles in ISO-8859-1, no matter how you set up your page.