ISO - ISO 9000 family — Quality management
The ISO 9000 family consists of the world's best known standard for quality management systems (QMS), ISO 9001, along with a set of supporting standards on quality management, all published by ISO/TC 176 and its subcommittees.
ISO - La famille ISO 9000 — Management de la qualité
ISO 9000 sur les concepts fondamentaux et le vocabulaire du management de la qualité, ISO 9001, qui définit les critères d’un système de management de la qualité (SMQ), et d’autres normes de cette famille reposent sur un certain nombre de principes, notamment une forte orientation client, la motivation et l’engagement de la direction ...
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems — Requirements
Within the ISO 9000 family, which defines seven quality management principles including a strong customer focus and continual improvement, ISO 9001 is the only standard that can be certified to (though certification is not mandatory).
ИСО - ISO 9001 — Системы менеджмента качества
Стандарт iso 9000, описывающий фундаментальные концепции и включающий в себя словарь управления качеством, определяет семь принципов, на которых основаны все остальные стандарты управления ...
ISO 9000:2015 - ISO 9000 - ISO - International Organization for ...
ISO 9000:2015 describes the fundamental concepts and principles of quality management which are universally applicable to the following: organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system;
ISO 9001:2015 - Sistemas de gestión de calidad
No more juggling multiple standards: Instantly access ISO 9001 content and ISO 9000 (definitions), all in one place. Focus your work: Highlight different parts of the standard to better understand and identify key segments.
ISO 9000:2015 (en), Quality management systems — …
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.
ISO 9001:2015(es), Sistemas de gestión de la calidad ? Requisitos
Esta Norma Internacional se relaciona con la Norma ISO 9000 y la Norma ISO 9004 como sigue: — ISO 9000 Sistemas de gestión de la calidad — Fundamentos y vocabulario, proporciona una referencia esencial para la comprensión e implementación adecuadas de …
meet the ISO 9001 requirements in your organization. ISO 9001 defines what you should do to consistently provide product that meets customer expectations and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. In addition, you will seek to enhance customer satisfaction by continual improvement of your quality management system.
ISO 9001 2015
ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and