Invalid UNC Path Specified message with MDT - Microsoft Q&A
Jul 25, 2022 · I am having trouble figuring out why MDT is saying "invalid UNC path specified". I had to move the deployment share from a partitioned G:\ drive to it's own E:\ because we are using it more and we were running out of storage space.
Powershell is unable to handle/ recognize UNC paths
Feb 12, 2016 · powershell command works fine with UNC paths , have been using Test-Path command on UNC path with out any issue, copied files from local to remote using UNC path. Check below conditions : you need to use valid UNC paths [\tfsbuildServer02\drop can be \tfsbuildServer02\e$\drop]
[Review] What Is UNC Path and How to Use It? - MiniTool
Jul 12, 2024 · This library sponsored by MiniTool mainly defines a UNC path and its valid form, lists examples in both Unix and Windows systems, methods to find and create a UNC path, as well as compare UNC path and mapped network drive.
MDT 2013 Invalid Deployment Share - Spiceworks Community
Feb 6, 2017 · Not working server shows: Network UNC Path: \FSOMA\DeploymentShare So, I try to add the $ thinking maybe that’s the issue, but then it tells me it’s an ‘Invalid UNC path specified’.
Invalid UNC path into shortcut - Windows - Stack Overflow
Oct 20, 2017 · I have to create a shortcut for someone to point and launch an application remotely from a server. The original shortcut has a UNC path in the target and start in boxes, I need to change the UNC path but it keeps saying the path is invalid and it won't allow me to save it.
command line - Browse an UNC path using Windows CMD …
Aug 6, 2017 · CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories. What I usually do to get around this is to map that directory to a network drive and then I could easily access it from the command prompt.
[SOLVED] CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories
Nov 12, 2019 · CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories. Instead of cd command in CMD you can use a pushd command, that creates a drive mapping to the network share …
Deployment Share UNC Path Issue - Spiceworks Community
Aug 5, 2019 · The UNC path that I’m using is \SHB-Build\shbs\Deployment Share and the server itself has a 192.X IP address. Could the MDT Wizard be referencing the wrong path because it’s on a different subnet?
command line - How to use UNC path correctly to share a folder …
Net Share is used to create a share on your machine. Net Use is used to connect to a remote share. Which I think is what you're asking. The correct syntax is: for instance: net use * \\mycomputer\c$ -> this will connect to a share with the next available drive letter to a machine's hidden c:\ share.
MDT Error - "A connection to the deployment share could not be …
Apr 18, 2022 · When I try to path to it with the root sign on properties it tells me there is an error in the UNC path. This all started when I had to re-install the programs for the newest updates of Windows.
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