Hawaiian Ipu Gourds - Welburn Gourd Farm
Th e Ipu Heke drum, or double drum, is a traditional Hawaiian instrument. It is made by cutting two specific kinds of gourds and fitting them together in a precise manner. Th e bottom of the drum requires a Tall-Body gourd that has a flat bottom and is perfectly symmetrical.
Ipu Stories—From Seed to Stage - Ke Ola Magazine
Jul 1, 2022 · For centuries in the Hawaiian Islands, the decorated bowl-shaped ipu ‘umeke was also inverted for use as a ceremonial headdress, while the double ipu heke drums became invaluable as percussion instruments for ‘oli (chanting) or hula kahiko (ancient hula).
Hawaiian IPU Gourd/seeds/maui Seeds/5 (FIVE) Ipu Gourd Seeds/ipu …
This listing is for FIVE (5) Hawaiian IPU Gourd SEEDS. This non edible gourd is grown and used as a traditional drum used by Hawaiian Hula dancers. We are happy to have this dried seed available for shipment. We easily grow Ipu Gourd vine …
Pre-Boxed Ipu - Welburn Gourd Farm
Specially selected for its balanced shape, these bottle gourds are perfect for both ipu heke ole and shekere instruments. The natural upright stance and easy-grip neck provide excellent handling for musicians and dancers.
Ipu Heke Details - Aloha Hula Supply
Double calabash gourd used for chanting and dancing; price varies according to height ($100 - $360) Please specify whether you want the ipu heke varnished (shiny) or unvarnished(natural). Please call to see what is available.
Ipu: An abundance of Hawaiian history and culture
The hula ipu heke (images below) is a combination of two gourds, one being the heke (head) and the other, on a larger scale, called the ki (body). Both the heke and the ki would be lashed internally with 'aha and ulu (breadfruit) sap to hold them together.
~IPU~ Gourd Vine cv 'Umeke Native Hawaiian HULA DRUM GOURD 25 Seed ...
The gourd drum is known as pā ipu, or ipu pa‘i, which literally means “gourd to beat.” An ipu heke is a gourd drum with a top section, while an ipu ‘ole is a gourd drum without a top section.
Ipu Seeds Planted - Na Kani O Hula, Hawaii
Jul 5, 2011 · Yesterday we planted our 4th of July ipu seeds. I’ll definitely update in a week or so and hopefully we’ll have sprouts.
Ipu Heke – Double Gourd Drum - Na Kani O Hula, Hawaii
Apr 25, 2015 · Two separate gourds are used in making an ipu heke. The top gourd (heke) is attached to the larger bottom gourd (‘olo) using various glues. They are cleaned and finished just as the ipu hula.
Hula Gourds by Ipu Farm - AlohaWorld.com
IpuFarm.com is a Native Hawaiian family owned ipu (hula gourd) source for finished and raw ipu and ipu heke.