Iridaceae | Description, Major Genera and Species, & Facts
These flower parts are located above the ovary (inferior ovary), which consists of three carpels unified into a single pistil. Ovules within the ovary portion become seeds, and the ovary …
Iridaceae - Wikipedia
It is the only member of the family with a superior ovary, and it grows a solitary star-like, yellow to brownish flower. [7] It is also sister to all other extant taxa of Iridaceae, diverging 66mya. [5]
Iridaceae: Characters, Distribution and Affinities - Biology …
The Iridaceae, while resembling the Amaryllidaceae in the inferior ovary and that family and the Liliaceae in the germination of seeds, is distinguished from other families of the Liliales by the …
Iridaceae: Dichotomous Key: Go Botany
Styles broad, petaloid, with paired crests at the apex [Fig. 137]; anthers concealed, appressed to abaxial surface of style branches; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels adnate at the base …
Iridaceae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Iridaceae has recently been classified as four subfamilies: Isophysidoideae, consisting of only one species, Isophysis tasmanica, the only family member having a superior ovary; Iridoideae, …
Iridaceae - Pacific Bulb Society
Oct 29, 2024 · The bisexual brightly colored flowers usually have 6 showy tepals, 3 stamens and an inferior 3 chambered ovary and are long-lasting or short-lived. Many are intricately adapted …
Iridaceae | PlantZAfrica - SANBI
It is distinguished by having flowers in small, paired clusters among large bracts, slender styles that are divided into three slender branches, and nectar (when present) produced from glands …
Iridaceae - University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Iridaceae The Iridaceae are perennial herbs from rhizomes, bulbs or corms comprising about 80 genera and 1,500 species. The leaves are distichous and have a sheathing, equitant base and …
Family: Iridaceae - Reed College
3 united carpels, inferior ovary (=epigynous), axile placentation, three branched style (=trifid), style petaloid in Iris: Fruit: capsule: Other features: Vegetative Features; Leaves: ... Iridaceae Iris: …
Family: Iridaceae — iris family - Go Botany
The flowers are very showy and are usually colored, with petal-like sepals and petals attaching above the ovary (i.e., the ovary is inferior). Beneath the sepals are one or two bracts forming a …
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