Ведущий в России и СНГ разработчик и интегратор …
Группа компаний РСК — ведущий российский и хорошо известный в мире разработчик и интегратор «полного цикла» инновационных энергоэффективных, высокоплотных, масштабируемых решений с жидкостным охлаждением для высокопроизводительных вычислений и систем для машинного/глубокого обучения (High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning/Deep Learning), ц...
Ведущий в России и СНГ разработчик и интегратор …
RSC Group is the leading Russian developer and integrator of comprehensive innovative energy-efficient solutions with high density, high scalability and liquid cooling for High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Data Centers, Edge Computing and Intelligent Storage-on-Demand systems.
About – RSC Group
RSC Group is the leading Russian developer and integrator of comprehensive innovative efficient solutions with high density, high scalability and liquid cooling for High-Performance Computing (HPC), Data Centers and Intelligent Storage-on-Demand systems.
imgrsc kids photos — Yandex:found 157 thousand results
Imgsrc.ru is a simple photo sharing website which is especially popular in East Europe and Germany (Alexa rank ~1000) and has around a million registered users with 50 millions claimed uploads.
Imgsrc.ru - Archiveteam
Imgsrc.ru is a simple photo sharing website which is especially popular in East Europe and Germany (Alexa rank ~1000) and has around a million registered users with 50 millions claimed uploads. Registered users can upload photos and organise them in simple albums, which can also be password protected.
IMGSRC.RU — Википедия
iMGSRC.RU — бесплатный российский фотохостинг для хранения неограниченного количества цифровых изображений и альбомов. По состоянию на июль 2022 года в базе сервиса около 75 миллионов загруженных пользователями изображений и около 1,5 миллионов [1] зарегистрированных пользователей.
RSC Group (Russia) - LinkedIn
Leading Russian and CIS developer and full cycle intergator of an innovative energy-efficient HPC and Data Center solutions and technologies, with own know-how in state-of-the-art liquid coolling...
IT-RSC | IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen
Die it-RSC GmbH ist ein IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit Stammsitz in Niedersachsen. Professionelle Dienstleistung und kompetente Beratung bieten wir ebenfalls in unseren Niederlassungen in NRW, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg und Bayern an. Bei der it-RSC ist der Name Programm.
RSC Receives 2020 Russian DC Awards for 'The Best IT Solution …
MOSCOW, Dec. 16, 2020 — RSC Group, a leading Russian developer and integrator of innovative, ultrahigh-dense and energy-efficient solutions for HPC (high performance computing), data centers, cloud platforms and intelligent storage on demand systems, has received 2020 Russian DC Awards in “The best IT solution for data centers” nomination ...
iMGSRC.RU - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
iMGSRC.RU is one of the first Web 2.0 photo hosting sites, operating since 2006. It allows users to store an unlimited number of digital images and albums at no charge. As of February 2023, the service had over 75 million user-uploaded images and about 1.4 million registered users.
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