IWJV - Intermountain West Joint Venture - Migratory Bird Joint …
Established in 1994, the IWJV’s mission is to conserve and enhance bird habitats at meaningful scales through capacity building, science, communications, and strategic partnerships.
Management Board - IWJV
The IWJV is governed by an executive-level Management Board—including state fish and wildlife agency directors, federal agency and non-governmental organization leadership, corporate partners representing the energy sector, and influential western private landowners—ensuring that varying perspectives have a seat at the table to seek common ...
Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands - IWJV
Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands is a joint effort of the Intermountain West Joint Venture (IWJV) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in service of proactive, voluntary sagebrush habitat conservation.
Contact Us - IWJV
Established in 1994, the IWJV’s mission is to conserve and enhance bird habitats at meaningful scales through capacity building, science, communications, and strategic partnerships.
Staff - IWJV
The IWJV staff works with a diversity of organizations, which include state and federal wildlife agencies, non-profit organizations, private landowners and corporations, among others. Each of our team members is dedicated to the conservation of priority bird habitats through partnership-driven, science-based projects and programs.
North American Wetlands Conservation Act - IWJV
Established in 1994, the IWJV’s mission is to conserve and enhance bird habitats at meaningful scales through capacity building, science, communications, and strategic partnerships.
IWJV Resources - IWJV
Researchers from the University of Montana and the Intermountain West Joint Venture (IWJV) conducted the first-ever long-term monitoring of white-faced ibis breeding habitat. Using satellite imagery, they estimated seasonal flooding across this network of public and private wetland sites over a 30+ year period.
Jobs - IWJV
Established in 1994, the IWJV’s mission is to conserve and enhance bird habitats at meaningful scales through capacity building, science, communications, and strategic partnerships.
researchers with the Intermountain West Joint Venture, the. Intermountain West Joint Venture | iwjv.org. 1. FLOOD-IRRIGATED GRASS HAY BENEFITS WATERSHEDS. FROM THE TOP DOWN. University of Montana, and other key science partners shows. that flood irrigation on these grass hay meadows plays an. important watershed role, providing the majority of ...
Resources - IWJV
Established in 1994, the IWJV’s mission is to conserve and enhance bird habitats at meaningful scales through capacity building, science, communications, and strategic partnerships.