JEOL USA Inc. | Global Supplier For SEM, TEM, NMR, Mass Spec
JEOL is a world leader in electron optical and analytical equipment and instrumentation for high-end scientific and industrial research and development.
JEOL Legacy | Scientific Research | Technology | JEOL USA
JEOL has more than 70 years of expertise in the field of electron microscopy, more than 60 years in mass spectrometry and NMR spectrometry, and more than 50 years of e-beam lithography leadership. To learn more about our history, visit our company milestones page .
JEOL USA blog | Cryo-EM vs. X-ray Crystallography
By integrating cryo-EM with X-ray crystallography data, researchers using JEOL instruments can push the boundaries of structural biology, revealing intricate biological systems in unprecedented detail.
JEOL Programmable STEM with EDM Synchrony
This test pattern was used during a scan of Au nanoparticles using a JEOL GRAND ARM™2 TEM, resulting in a modulated bright-field image (Right). The nanoparticles are clearly visible, as are the logo graphics, the test patterns, and the photograph of the …
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) | JEOL Resources
JEOL’s IT800SHL is a newly developed extreme high resolution system that features all the previous benefits of a JEOL FE-SEM, including aperture angle control lens (maintains minimum spot size even at very high beam currents) and specimen bias function for improved resolution at low kV. The system has also brand new design components that ...
Instrument Training | Electron Microscopes | NMR - JEOL USA
At JEOL, we believe that effective training optimizes the performance of our instruments. Through comprehensive training classes in operation of electron microscopes, NMR, and mass spectrometers, we teach our customers how to get the most from their JEOL instruments.
NMR Magnets | Shielded Magnets | Ultra-High-Field Magnets
JEOL offers superconducting NMR Magnets including actively Shielded Magnets from 400-800 MHz, and Ultra-High-Field Magnets from 900-930 MHz.
OBF-STEM System (Option) - JEOL USA
JEOL USA OBF-STEM System (Option) In the new imaging method 'OBF STEM (Optimum Bright Field STEM)' , raw images acquired by a segmented STEM detector are used as the source for a phase image reconstruction, with dedicated Fourier filters to maximize the signal to noise ratio of the retrieved image.
Scanning Electron Microscope A to Z: Basic Knowledge for
Apr 2, 2020 · Since the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was first commercialized about 40 years ago, the SEM has shown a remarkable progress. Now, many types of SEMs are being used, and their performance and functions are greatly different from each other. To utilize these different SEMs, it is essential to recognize their features, as well as to understand the reasons …
XRF | Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - JEOL …
The ElementEye is capable of 50kV excitation and features our newest silicon drift detector (SDD) technology. Coupled with JEOL's advanced Fundamental Parameters (FP) method, this instrument provides high-sensitivity qualitative and quantitative analysis results in minutes.